Chapter 9

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Delia sighed deeply as she stared at the screen in front of her. Her initial intention had to be to write an essay, but at this point, staring was all she felt capable of. 

Her eyes drifted to the blinking time in the top right corner of her laptop, 18:20. 'Shit' she thought as she realized she only had 10 minutes left before she had to leave. 

A groan left her mouth as she dropped her head on the keyboard. "Something tells me you're upset." Her roommate Olivia said.

"Really? What gave it away?" 

Olivia chuckled sitting down next to her, "Come on, tell me what's wrong."

Delia sighed once more before moving back to an upright sitting position, "I need to hand this essay in before 20:00 and my shift starts at 19:00 today, so I have about 10 minutes to finish it."

"Ouch..." Olivia said frowning, "That doesn't sound good... How much do you still need to do?"

"About a hundred words..." 

"Oh, but that's doable."

"That's easy for you to say, you're not the one with the deadline."

"Alright, tell you what, I'll fix your essay problem and then you'll clean the bathroom this time," Oliva said with a smirk. 

"Can you do that in 10 minutes?" Delia asked contemplating the offer. 

"Sure." Oliva replied, "You just need to hand me your laptop and I'll take care of it." 

"Please don't do something I'd regret..." Delia said pushing the laptop over to her roommate. "But you've got a deal." 

"I would never!" Olivia mockingly exclaimed placing a hand over her heart. 

"Stop being such a drama queen," Delia said laughing, as Olivia chimed in too. 

After a short while of Oliva typing away on the computer and Delia staring at her nervously, the essay was finally done. "There you go," Olivia said pushing the laptop back to Delia.

Eagerly Delia took the laptop and started reading the essay. "This is brilliant..." She said after a while. "The structure and everything is the same but you managed to get in so many extra words."

"Ah that's called being creative," Olivia said with a wink. 

"Thank you so much!" Delia said hugging her roommate. 

"Yeah yeah, You're welcome. Now get your ass in gear before you'll be late anyway." Oliva said taking the laptop back from Delia, "I'll make sure to hand this in, now go get ready." 

At that Delia rushed into her room to grab a few final things before rushing out of the apartment and waving goodbye to Oliva. 

Delia smiled as she reached the aquarium parking lot, she was on time and even a few minutes early. 'Thank god the traffic lights cooperated this time.' 

Now all she had to do was park the car and she was ready to work. When she entered the parking lot however she noticed something strange, there was a man standing in the middle of it. Now seeing other people here normally wasn't that strange, but he wasn't near any cars, nor did he appear to be doing anything. He just stood there, staring at the building. 

At first, Delia didn't pay to much attention to the man as she simply sought to park her car. As she got out of the car however she noticed that he hadn't moved at all. A little unnerved she turned to her car to grab her stuff. When she turned around, however, the man was no longer there. Now completely creeped out Delia sprinted over to the entrance of the building. 

As fast as she could she ran into the building, leaning against the door once it was closed. 

"Are you alright?" 

She jumped at the sound of Ricky's voice as she panted. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said nodding, "Just a little freaked out, that's all." 

With furrowed brows, Ricky asked, "What freaked you out?"

Catching her breath Delia told Ricky about what happened as Delia got ready for her shift. 

"That does sound weird..." Ricky muttered, "Let's hope the creep is gone now, I need to get to my car soon." 

"Else we can ask someone to walk you." Delia offered, "I'm sure Damian wouldn't mind." 

"What wouldn't I mind?" Damian asked as he walked up to the girls. 

"I said you probably wouldn't mind walking Ricky to her car," Delia repeated. 

Damian looked back and forth between the two girls, "Sure I wouldn't, but why would such a strong independent woman need the escort of a strong man like me?" He said with a cocky smile. 

"Because there might be a creep out there," Delia said as Ricky simply giggled, "There was this man who just stood in the parking lot, staring. I don't know, maybe he is harmless, but he just gave off this bad vibe." Delia continued. 

"Ah," Damian said as the smile was replaced with a stern expression, "Yeah it's a good idea if someone walks you to your car." He said turning to Ricky. 

"Thanks." She said as she started to grab her stuff, "Oh bye the way!" Ricky said turning to Delia, "I almost forgot to mention, but the hot guy from earlier came back today." 

"Really?" Damian replied with furrowed brows. 

"What do you know about that?" Ricky said with a confused look on her face, "Doesn't matter, Anyways, he asked how you were doing." She finished with wiggling eyebrows. 

"He came here for only that?" Damian asked before Delia could even say anything. 

"Well," Ricky started, "He actually asked if you were working today so I told him only after closing time. Then he asked how you were doing, and I told him fine considering and he said to tell you: Get well soon." 

"That's really nice of him," Delia said as a smile formed on her face.

"Yeah it is," Damian agreed. 

"Anyway, I thought you might like to know that." Ricky said as she turned to Damian, "I'm ready for the escort to my car." 

"Very well ma'am, I shall escort you." Damian answered in a very terrible British accent. The two laughed before they left through the door as Delia simply shook her head. 


Minor note.

If you like this story then please vote and comment to let me know :)

 (I love reading your comments. :) )

Also, I'm going to try to at least upload every Sunday and then I'll probably throw in some random updates as well. 

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