Chapter 16

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"I don't understand this..." Olivia said, pacing back and forth. 

"Well me neither," Delia said, leaning against the kitchen counter. 

"So it was the water that triggered it..." Olivia said stopping for a moment.

"I guess so..." 

At that response Olivia hummed, turning away from Delia for a moment.  

"What are you-" Delia started as Olivia grabbed a glass and started filling it with water. As she turned back around she immediately splashed it into her face. 

"Dude!" Delia exclaimed, wiping her face with her hands, "What what that for?!"

"Well," Olivia said as she grabbed a towel, "To test if it was like H20. If just a splash of water triggered it." 

Annoyed, Delia grabbed the towel from her hands, "Couldn't I just have put my hand under the faucet?"

"I honestly didn't even think of that..." 

"Well maybe for the next time..." Delia said as she finished drying herself off.

"At least we know that that doesn't trigger it," Olivia said looking contemplative. 

"True." Delia agreed. "I wonder what did..."

"How about if you're nearly fully submerged?" Olivia suddenly said, "Think of it, you said you showered this morning, you didn't turn then either. Maybe it is triggered by more water." 

"That's possible." Delia replied, "That still doesn't answer how or why though." 

"Maybe we should try that again, just put you back in the bath."

"No," Delia said, "What if I can't change back again? I'm not risking it in the bath." 

"So what you're just gonna avoid water altogether?" Olivia said putting her hands in her sides. "Because I doubt that's gonna work." 

Delia shook her head, "No I won't, I just... I just don't want to right now... I kind of need to let this sink in for now." 

Olivia sighed, placing her hand on Olivia's shoulder, "I understand... This is a lot to take in."

"Wanna watch a movie?" Delia said turning to her, "To take my mind of this all."

"Sure." Olivia said nodding, "What do you wanna watch? Aquamarine? Splash? The Little Mermaid?"

"Haha very funny," Delia said mockingly, throwing her an annoyed look. 

"Alright, alright, you know I just had to," Olivia said as they moved over to their couch. "I wonder though, do you think that you have any special abilities?"

And at that Delia simply sighed as they plopped down on the couch. 

in the end, the two of them watched two movies before Olivia headed to bed. At that time Delia had all intentions to do the same but decided to read a little before doing so. So there she was, sitting on her bed and quietly enjoying her book. Once she'd finished the chapter she marked her page and placed it on her nightstand. 

She sighed as she stood up and made her way over to the bathroom. Walking in she flicked on the light and went over to the sink to grab her toothbrush and toothpaste. At first, she hadn't even looked at her reflection in the mirror, but once she started brushing her teeth she looked up. It was then that something odd struck her. 

Her hair seemed to be lighter... Like almost a few shades. Her gaze then fell upon her eyes and she could swear that they were also lighter... For a split second, she just stood there, toothbrush in her mouth, staring at her own reflection. 

Shaking it off she continued to brush her teeth, thinking no more of it. 

It wasn't long after that that she found herself in the comfort of her bed and quietly fell asleep. 

The following morning was, in many ways, a lot more relaxed than the last. You see today she had no classes or appointments. She was actually supposed to work at the aquarium, but in light of recent events she'd gotten some time off. So the night before she hadn't set an alarm and she softly awoke due to the sunlight in her room at around ten o'clock. 

Today was going to be a very slow and relaxed day she thought to herself as she slowly got up from her bed. Stretching her arms above her she started walking over to the bathroom. Once inside she turned on the lights and looked into the mirror. What she saw however startled her. 

Suddenly she was wide awake and staring at her reflection. The first thing she noticed was her hair. Her previously brown hair had now turned a very light grey colour and appeared to be longer. Confused she touched it, almost trying to assess if it was actually hers. 

She placed her hand on the top of her head and tugged it, hoping that it was a wig, but once she felt the pain she knew that it was her own hair. 

"What the actual fuck..." She muttered as she noticed the next change. Her brown eyes were now bright and light blue. 

A startled gasp left her mouth as she clasped her hand over it. "I can't believe it..." 

Slowly she moved closer to the mirror, peering into her eyes, trying to figure out if she was seeing things or not. 

"What is happening..." She said, stepping back and sitting down on the edge of the bathtub. 

For a moment she just sat there, staring down at her hands, trying to make sense of things. Once she snapped out of it she decided that she should just get ready for her day and then deal with this later. 

It was halfway through her morning routine that she figured out the solution to her problem. She could simply dye her hair back to brown again. At that moment she could've slapped herself for not realising this sooner, but she still had the eye colour problem. She could wear coloured contacts, but she knew her eyes were most likely to sensitive for that. 

Deciding to tackle one problem at the time she threw on some clothes and made her way to the store. Once she got there she hesitated for a moment. 

What if she ran into someone that she knew? I mean they would see something was off... They'd most likely ask her what was going on. 

'Maybe I should just tell them that it's contacts and a wig?' She thought, 'But then again, why would I be wearing those?' 

She sighed as she placed her head on the steering wheel. 

Deciding to just wing it, she put the hood of the hoody that she was wearing on her head and made her way into the store. Grabbing a basket, she grabbed some other things that she needed as well before walking over to the hair product section. 

So there she stood, staring at the wall of hair dye's trying to decide what matched her old hair the best. 

Suddenly however she was startled by a voice that came from behind her. 


Quickly she turned around and came face to face with none other than Gabriel. 

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