Chapter 35

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Gabriel sighed, looking off in the distance, "Look it's a long story, and I'm sorry that you got dragged into this..." He paused turning to Delia, "All of this was never supposed to happen, though I have to say I don't mind that I met you in the process, you were never meant to be involved." 

Delia held his gaze for a moment, waiting for him to possibly continue talking. When he didn't however, she cleared her throat, "I don't mind that's a long story, I just want answers... So if you could?" She asked him, her eyes lingering on him. 

Gabriel held her gaze for a moment before nodding and pushing himself further into the water, allowing himself to float on his back, "I guess at this point, I do owe you that." 

He sighed, staring up at the ceiling of the cave, "I think it all really started a long time ago, going all the way back to when I was a kid. My parents and I would come up to the surface quite often, so I learned how to blend in with humans pretty quick and on one of those trips I made a friend.

Soon he became my best friend, and I would go and see him as often as I could. The thing was, however, that I had to lie to him constantly, and I hated it, so one day I just came clean, told him everything. At first, he didn't believe me, but once I showed him, he was absolutely stunned. But he promised me that he would never, tell anyone. 

As time passed, however, he became more and more curious, wanting to see and know much more. I told him what I could, teaching him about our lifestyle, culture, everything, but he wanted to know more. He wanted me to take him to my home, to our village so to say... I told him I couldn't he would have to be able to breathe underwater and for some time he accepted that." He stopped for a moment, and sighed, 

"When we were around 16, however, he started subadiving and the two of us would swim together. He had asked me time and time again if, using the diving gear, I could show him the village... I told him no, as no human was allowed nor could my parents find out that I had told a human about us. 

Now I don't know how, but he managed to get into our town, and to find me. He couldn't stay hidden for long though, as soon they caught us and I had to come clean.

When a human finds out about our kind there's two options, wipe their memories, or kill them..." Gabriel paused once more, his eyes shifting to Delia for a moment, who looked back at him with a fearful look. "So they wiped his memories and I never saw him again.... Or so I thought... Some time ago,I noticed something strange, something was off. Not too long after that the orb was stolen, I went after it, trying to find it. 

The next time I saw the orb it was in the hands of a scuba diver, and I attacked, trying to get the orb back. In the fight it got lost, and as I ripped the oxygen out of the diver, I saw his eyes... Now I'm not a 100% sure, that it was him, but I am 98% sure." 

Delia stared at him as his eyes drifted to hers. "So when you guys dropped the orb, it was found by the researchers and came to the aquarium?"

Gabriel nodded, "And I'm guessing the ones that tried to steal it were working with him." 

"Then he still remembers?"

Gabriel swam over to her and pulled himself unto the shallow rocks, "I don't know... But it sure seems like that..."

Delia breathed in deeply before releasing a shaky breath, "What would he want with it?" 

"I doubt anything good..." Gabriel said, "Which is why I need to find it and bring it back." 

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