2. Learn To Play Chess

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a/n: in celebration/mourning of my return to america here is chapter 2 of 13T.

You were awoken almost as soon as you had settled into your bed by the sound of Colt violently retching. You briefly considered ignoring it and leaving him alone, but you knew that wouldn't work. He'd do anything in his power to help you if you needed it, and you'd do the same, even if you'd much rather be sleeping.

He gave you a miserable look from where he was hunched over the bucket in your living room. You went to kneel next to him, rubbing his back as he vomited. His hair was plastered to his forehead by sweat, and you softly brushed it back with your hand.

"Remind me to never drink again," Colt said once his stomach was no longer turning itself inside out. You used a damp cloth to wipe his face off before offering him a glass of water, which he downed gratefully.

"I try to. You never listen," you said. He groaned.

"I always forget how terrible my hangovers are," he said.

"Not sure how you do. You spend more time hungover than you do drunk. How's your head?" you said.

"Killing me, like usual. Will you massage it?" he said, red-rimmed eyes pleading. You sat on the couch with a sigh, patting your lap. He lay down on his back, placing his head on your thighs as you began to do what you did every time anybody's head hurt, whether it was Colt or Falco or Gabi or Udo or Zofia.

"Are you nervous? About becoming a titan?" you said. Colt's eyes fluttered shut.

"It's either I become the Beast, or my entire family, including me, is turned into mindless titans and shipped over to Paradis. I don't really have a choice, or the chance to be nervous. Why, are you? Nervous, I mean. About becoming the Cart Titan," he said.

"A little bit. We'll be dead pretty soon, you know, our terms up and successors picked. I guess I always thought I'd have longer to live, that's all," you said.

"Don't worry about that. I'll make sure the rest of your life is as wonderful as anyone could ever wish for," Colt murmured, already beginning to drift back to sleep.

"Thank you," you said, sniffing slightly at his promise, "What did I do to deserve you?" He was unconscious again, and you knew he needed to rest. He'd probably be up again soon, anyways, either thirsty or nauseous. Pushing him off of you, you picked up the bucket and took it outside to dump out and rinse, wrinkling your nose at the stench. Once it was clean, you brought it back to its spot beside Colt's sleeping form and, as an afterthought, drew the curtains of the living room shut. The sun would no doubt hurt his eyes if he got up early to use the bathroom.

As soon as all of this was done, you changed into a fresh pair of pajamas that didn't smell like the contents of your friend's intestines and gratefully crawled into your bed. This time, your sleep was uninterrupted, and you did not wake again until the sun was well in the sky.

"Feeling any better?" you said as you passed by Colt and began to make breakfast for the both of you. He stretched leisurely from his position on the couch and hummed in agreement.

"Much. Thanks for letting me crash here and taking care of me, again," he said sheepishly as you brought him a piece of toast.

"If you didn't drink so much every time you went to a bar, I wouldn't have to," you said, sitting across from him with some toast of your own, along with a cup of jasmine tea.

"I just get carried away," he said, and you frowned.

"You're going to inherit the Beast Titan and be a Warrior soon, Colt. You need to be a little more responsible. Do you remember anything from yesterday?" you said, hoping beyond hope he hadn't done anything too idiotic before you had found him.

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