6. Plant a Tree

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a/n: i've been writing a story for levi and i'm actually surprised at how much i like it??? go read treacherous if you're a levi fan 😙 ANYWAYS here is the next chapter for 13T. also my plan is to finish posting this story, post a different eren story that i've been working on recently (that is somewhat similar to promise but also different and, imo, angstier), and then get on with the sequel of this story. kk that's all besties have a lovely day 💞

You gaped at your parents, shocked that they were home after all of this time.

"I can't believe you guys are back," you murmured, slowly walking to sit on the armchair and taking in their faces. Your father was tanned, his face weathered from working outside. Your mother's hands were calloused and rough, days upon days of doing dishes taking their toll on the once-soft skin. Even still, both of them had kind smiles on their faces as they looked at you.

"We both managed to get the weekend off as soon as we heard that you're going to be the next Cart titan. Sweetie, you must be so excited! And for Colt to be the Beast, too? It must be like a dream come true!" your mother said. You stiffened slightly at the mention of Colt, but neither of your parents noticed.

"How has he been lately?" your father said.

"Drunk," you scoffed. They both gave you startled looks, though why they were surprised, you didn't know. Colt's habits were public knowledge.

"Drunk?" your mother said.

"Yes, mother. That's where he is right now, actually. It's fine. It doesn't matter, anyways. I have other friends besides him," you said, even though it did matter, even though you may have other friends, because he was supposed to be your best friend.

"Really? Like who?" your father said, and you almost felt offended at him questioning your ability to make friends. It wasn't like you were unable to, you just never had any time, not with Warrior training and then being constantly deployed to fight in various wars.

"Well, there's an ex-soldier from the hospital that I've been spending time with," you said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Those soldiers can be pretty messed up, dear, it comes with the trauma of being sent to war," your mother said.

"Kruger's missing a leg and an eye, and I'm a Warrior candidate. He's no threat to me, and he's rather kind, actually. He gives pretty good advice, and he listens to me when I talk," you said, smiling fondly at the thought of the odd man. Your parents exchanged glances.

"Alright, then. We trust you," your father said apprehensively.

"You don't have to worry. Besides, he's not my only new friend. I've become pretty close with Reiner – I mean, Vice Chief Braun, too. Gabi wants us to get married," you said.

"What would a man as busy and important as he want with you?" your mother said. You shrugged, knowing that you wouldn't expose Reiner's severe emotional and mental issues to anyone. He tried to hide it, but you knew that he still struggled even now. Your presence was a temporary bandage on the wound, but a bandage could do nothing when faced with an injury of such magnitude.

"Dunno. He's pretty nice, though," you said.

"Sure," your father said, and you knew they didn't believe you. That was their prerogative. To be fair, you wouldn't have believed yourself only a few weeks ago. It was funny how things could change so much and so quickly.

"Enough about your friends. How have you been?" your mother said. You hummed noncommittally.

"Fine, I guess. The whole becoming a titan thing is kind of stressful, but I've managed well enough, given the circumstances. I suppose it's what I've prepared for my whole life to do, so it's not like I'm walking into it blind. At any rate, better me than one of the younger ones," you said.

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