7. Get Very Drunk

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a/n: i am having sm brainrot for my new story that i literally almost forgot to post for this tn

"Wake up," a voice hissed, shaking you. You groaned and buried back into the source of warmth that you were pressed against, the cool scent of pine filling your nostrils.

"Y/N, seriously, wake up before Falco finds us and we get in trouble," Colt said. You shot up. Colt said? Memories of last night began to rush into you, and you face palmed. After you had found Colt in the bar, the two of you had gone to his room and talked about things for hours. At some point, you must have fallen asleep. It was not the first time you had had to share sleeping quarters with him, so it wasn't awkward, but you knew that Colt was right. If Falco found you, he would have a field day.

"Sorry, I guess I was more tired than I thought," you said, tossing the covers off and getting up to use his bathroom and get ready. He reclined against his headboard lazily, not bothering to follow your example. Well, it was his house. He didn't have to leave in a hurry if he didn't want to.

"No worries. Can I try braiding your hair? I've been practicing on rope to be able to tie knots," he said.

"As long as you don't knot my hair, sure," you said, allowing him to comb your hair out before loosely weaving the strands together, though your front pieces stubbornly refused to be held back.

"It's not the best, but it'll do for now," he said. You shrugged, not really caring what your hair looked like. You would have to take the braid out once you got home and showered, anyways, so it didn't really matter how well he had done it.

"Thanks. I'm assuming I have to leave through the window?" you said. He nodded, going over and unlatching his window. Thankfully, you were good at climbing, and you were able to swing out and clamber down to the ground with minimal effort and without getting caught by any of the Grices. It wasn't like you would get in trouble, per se, but it would be an awkward conversation that you were eager to avoid.

"Y/N? What are you doing in the bushes?" a voice said, and you froze in the middle of dusting yourself off, your gaze slowly raising to meet Zeke's amused one. Of all the people to catch you, it had to be him.

"Well, you know my father is a gardener, so I...like to check up on people's landscaping," you said, nodding, though internally, you were cringing at the terrible lie. Even an idiot wouldn't believe it, and Zeke Jaeger was no idiot.

"In that case, would you mind coming with me and checking on my landscaping?" he said.

"I guess so?" you said, following after him.

"To be honest, I was at the Grices' looking for you, not Colt. I went to your house, but nobody was home. Thankfully, you were there, or else I don't know where else I would've gone," he said.

"Reiner's, maybe, or the hospital. That's about the extent of the places I go. Anyways, Zeke, are you really that concerned about your landscaping that you sought me out in the early morning, or was there something else you needed to talk to me about?" you said as he unlocked his house and beckoned you inside.

"As sharp as ever, Y/N. You're right, the landscaping is not what we need to discuss," he said. You blushed at the praise, though it was rather unfounded. You were hardly sharp for thinking that Zeke probably had more on his mind than the state of his lawn.

"Am I in trouble?" you said. You hadn't done anything that deserved a reprimand from the War Chief himself, unless he was very offended about the events of Porco's dinner for some reason and only felt the need to bring it up now, days later.

"Not at all. I was just wondering what your plans for the festival were," he said.

"The one in two weeks? I'm not sure yet. I'll probably hang out with Colt, or maybe Reiner, Gabi, and Falco," you said, wondering why your plans were of any concern to him. He stroked his beard contemplatively.

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