11. Have Dinner on the Roof

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a/n: when reiner is rich and a good cook...but WE WANT THE HOBO 😩🥵🤑😏

When you awoke, you were surprised to find that you were using someone's chest as a pillow, their arm placed carefully around you. Whoever it was remained still, barely even breathing in an attempt to not jostle you. How considerate.

"Good, you're finally awake. You don't know how long I've been laying here, bored out of my mind, waiting for you to get up," Kruger said. The events of last night rushed back to you, and with a groan, you closed your eyes again, burying your face back in his shirt. You didn't want to get up quite yet.

Unfortunately, it seemed your friend had had enough of lazing about. He pushed you off of him and began shaking you until you opened your eyes and glared at him.

"What do you want?" you said. He sat back, pleased that he had accomplished his goal of being extraordinarily irritating. Was this his payback for all your teasing? Probably.

"For you to get out of bed. Don't you have plans for today?" he said, crossing his arms. You pulled the blanket over your face, and with a huff, he yanked it off completely. The cold morning air hit you, and you growled, grabbing desperately for the blanket.

"Reiner. That's it," you said. You hadn't talked to him in a while, and you wanted to go over your plan for the festival and the different routes you would have to take depending on how the night went. Maybe snag some of his cooking while you were at it, too.

At the mention of the Vice Chief's name, Kruger froze before gently setting the blanket over you, tucking you in tightly.

"Never mind. You should sleep for the rest of the day, actually," he said. You cracked your eyes open and squinted at him in confusion. Now that was a change of tune that you hadn't been expecting.

"Why?" you said. He ignored you, instead covering your eyes with his hand.

"Goodnight!" he said cheerfully.

"Get off, you're right. I have to go meet with Reiner, and I can't keep putting it off. Sorry, this'll be the second day in a row that I'm leaving you alone," you said, smacking his hand away and sitting up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and lamenting the state of your hair. It would take a shower for the mess of frizz to be restored to its normal glossy state.

"I'm beginning to think you don't like me," Kruger said. You stood up and helped him up as well, allowing him to hold onto your shoulder as you folded the blanket and handed it to him. Rolling up the mat and picking up the two pillows you had used, you went inside, slowing your pace to allow Kruger to keep up with you.

"Right, I definitely don't. It's not like I'm letting you live with me, and I certainly didn't sleep next to you last night. That was someone else," you said, rolling your eyes and storing the things you had used in the spare closet, taking the pillowcases off and tossing them in the laundry basket.

"Do you really have to go to Reiner's?" Kruger said instead of responding to your sarcasm, sitting on the couch and picking up the book he had been reading last night before you and Falco had gotten back. You nodded before realizing he couldn't see you.

"Yes, we need to discuss what we're going to do during the play. Like I said, we were partnered together, along with the younger candidates. I'd rather not be caught completely off guard if something happens, and according to Zeke, it's almost certain that something will happen. The problem is that I don't really fight alongside Reiner often. Well, I don't fight alongside any of the Warriors often, but what with him having been in Paradis for so long and then always being on the front lines, we rarely are together. I don't even know if we will be able to work together effectively," you said.

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