Chapter 1

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Sirius sat back down a bit sheepishly. "Hey guys remember how we said only four drops for four years well I might've put nine or ten drops." 

"You did what! He'll be like five years old we only wanted to de-age him to ten." Remus whisper shouted.

"Well it was an accident. Anyway we have the antidote right James." Now James looked guilty.

"About that, I kinda dropped and smashed it." 

"My god we have to stop him from drinking it if he does it'll take three months to get him back to his normal age." Remus snapped.

"Why it's just Snivellus why should we care." James replied. Peter suddenly saw something bad.

"Um guys Dolohov is drinking his drink." He said and they froze turning slowly.

"Emerald or Antonin?" Sirius asked since he couldn't turn around without looking suspicious.

"Emerald." James groaned. "Great we broke the antidote, put too much potion in the drink and the wrong person is drinking it. This couldn't get worse." 

"Now you've tempted the fates amazing job James." Remus smacked the back of his head. Emerald had downed the drink and the Marauders held their breath. There was a shriek of pain that was quickly muffled as she clapped a hand over her mouth.

She stumbled out of the hall and collapsed outside letting out silent screams as everything shrunk. Her bones breaking and reforming. 

She got up leaning on the wall making her way to the dungeons.

"James you said it would be painless. That did not look painless she was screaming collapsing and shivering. You said they would pass out." They had followed her out and watched it all. They heard an uncovered scream of a girl and rushed to find it.

What they found was the tiniest human they had ever seen. A little girl with too big emerald eyes staring at them fearfully.

"Where am I? Where's Antonin? I'm not supposed to leave the property. I need to go home. Father's going to be so angry so will mother." She wasn't even talking to them she was rocking back and forward mumbling to herself.

They stared at each other none of them had any experience with children as three out of four were only children. James manned up and walked towards the catatonic child.

"Hey hey we'll bring you to Antonin okay but you have to calm down." She looked at him her fear magnifying. "I'm James what's your name?" 

"I'm Emerald." She whispered. The other three taking this as a good sign stepped forward slowly.

"I'm Remus." 

"I'm Peter." 

"I'm Sirius." 

"About what?" She asked quietly. It took them a while to understand her question but Sirius understood first.

"No my name is Sirius." He laughed. "Here we'll take you to Antonin. Would you like me to carry you?" She looked at him wearily before shaking her head and standing up. She walked in between Sirius and James. It looked quite funny actually as she didn't make it to their waists. 

"Okay Peter go in grab Dolohov and Dumbledore. Say it's an emergency to do with Emerald." Peter nodded and entered the Great Hall.

He came out a few seconds later with Dolohov and Dumbledore in the tow. When Antonin saw Emerald he froze.

"Why in the name of Merlin is she four again?" He asked the four boy who had all found a sudden fascination with their shoes.

"Antonin?" A small voice asked. "Why are you so old?" 

"Why don't we ask this lot." He turned to the Marauders threateningly.

"We didn't mean to the potion wasn't even for her and it was only meant to de-age you four years." Peter squeaked after they had been under the gaze of a very angry Slytherin for a few minutes.

"Mr Dolohov may we take this meeting to my office where there are not so many keen listeners." He nodded tightly and walked away.

"How did you know she was four she could've been three or five." Sirius asked.

"Her hand." Was the only answer they got. They looked at her hand and saw it was red raw as if it had been burnt badly.

They glanced at each other. 

"Hey what happened to your hand munchkin?" Sirius asked.

"Accidental magic I set my hands on fire." She replied. Sirius noticed she had perfect pureblood posture it annoyed him slightly.

"Ah here we are in you pop." Dumbledore said. They filed in and sat down.

"Do you not understand how serious this is. Father can't take care of her he's busy I'm doing my NEWTS neither of us can take of her. Mother can't look after her either. She can't protect herself she only learnt how when she turned ten. Now she is back to being unprotected. Do you know how many wizards would kill to get their hands on her. She is the last fairy on earth and you are acting like this isn't a big deal." He was stopped by a small hand being placed over his mouth.

"Nobody is supposed to know until I'm older." She whispered. 

"Honey everybody knows. There was a little accident and this is the result." He said removing her hand from his mouth.

"Well jeez Antonin I don't think you were planned either." Sirius's mouth fell open as did the other Marauders and the small girl smiled sweetly. Antonin rolled his eyes.

"I think we have a solution right in front of us Mr Dolohov." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled and Antonin's narrowed.

"No no way not in my lifetime. I am not leaving her in their hands." He pulled her into his arms as if he could physically stop it.

"It would be the perfect punishment and solution. Would any of you take advantage of a defenceless four year old?" He asked the four boys who looked horrified at the idea.

"Of course not sir." Sirius spluttered.

"Well then since the Dolohovs are all busy I suggest we leave her in the care of you four until the antidote can be made. I estimate it will take up to three and a half months." There was an uproar.

"Honey why don't you go talk to the hat while we discuss this." Antonin said and she looked at him like he had gone mad but did what he said. As she was walking away they heard something suspiciously like 'inbreeding finally got to him.' Sirius snickered before re-concentrating.

"Sir we can't take care of her. One she is a girl we are boys. Two she is a Slytherin. Three we don't know how to look after a four year old fairy. Why do you think we should look after her?" James ranted.

"I'm sure Mr Dolohov will explain how to look after her. From what I've heard she isn't the biggest fan of tea parties and dresses so you will not have to do that. And why should her house interfere with this? You must understand how serious this is. You have lost Gryffindor fifty points each, you shall all serve detentions with Argus for a month. And you shall take care of young Emerald until the antidote is made. No arguments. Mr Dolohov please explain the rules of looking after her." 

"Fine. Rule one Every meal you have to check her food for potions. Four out of five times we have guests over they drug her food she knows the spell and can do it wandlessly you just have to remind her.  Two if you are bringing her to the black lake keep an eye on her. She is a water fairy and has a tendency to go swimming if a chance comes. The last and most important is if you know anything about fairies you will know they need physical touch. Hugs, holding hands, kisses on the forehead, cuddles, tickles stuff like that quite often. They need it less as they grow older. At this age she still needs" he looked pained. "Very much affection. If she does not get the affection she will get sick and most likely die. That's it follow these rules or every wizarding family in the world will be out for your blood." 

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