Chapter 18

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"A baby, Antonin?!" 

"It wasn't my choice! I have my NEWTs and father is too busy." 

"So you left me with four Gryffindors?!" 

"You were fine. You had fun." 

"I'm going to be sick." 

"Ew go puke in the girl's dormitories. I don't want that here." 

"I'll kick your arse, Antonin. I'm telling father!" Emerald said angrily. 

"I'm telling mother!" Antonin shot back.

"I'm telling Grandfather!" 

"You wouldn't." 

"I would." 

"It was only a few months. I kept an eye on you. You weren't hurt or anything. They took pretty good care of you." 

"I'm writing Grandfather right now." Emerald called, making her way to the door.

"Emerald for Merlin's sake don't! He'll kill me." 

"Dear Grandfather! You know your beloved grandson Antonin!" Emerald shouted already making her way down the stairs with Antonin hot on her heels. 

"Stop! I'll never speak to you again because Grandfather will take away my ability to speak." 

"You should've thought about that!" 

Emerald sprinted across the common room with Antonin shooting spells after her but she made it to the girl's staircase and out of Antonin's range just in time. 

"Emerald, we can talk about this!" 

"Too late!" 


Dear Grandfather, 

                                     I'm not sure if you've heard but due to an unfortunate prank I had been de-aged to a mere defenceless child for three months. 

Now you'd think 'Oh well I'm sure my grandson would look after her' . You're sorely mistaken. 

Your dear grandson Antonin left me in the care of four Gryffindors. Two of whom he had never previously spoken to. One was the disowned son of Walburga and Orion Black, Sirius Black. Another was James Potter, the son of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. The third was Peter Pettigrew and the last was Remus Lupin. 

Your beloved grandson made no attempts to check on me throughout my ailment and simply trusted these strangers to look after me. 

He threatened me with bodily violence if I tried to tell you but I felt you had to know. 

Your beloved granddaughter, 

                                                            Emerald Dolohov. 


Emerald sipped her pumpkin juice with a smug grin as a smoking red envelope landed on Antonin's plate. 

Antonin shot her a furious look and she gave him a charming grin. 

"Looks like you've got a howler, mate." Theodore Nott said, edging away from Antonin. 

"Best open it, dearest brother." Emerald said, practically radiating satisfaction. "I wonder who on earth it's from." 

"You little shi-" 

"ANTONIN ALOYSIUS BARNABY DOLOHOV! Your poor sister has written and informed me of your utterly appalling actions towards her in the recent months! Leaving her unsupervised with strangers! I thought better of my heir! And threatening her with violence if she tried to speak out! This is utterly atrocious behaviour! I have alerted your mother and father of this heinous behaviour and we will be dealing with you over the summer!" The letter shrieked before turning to Emerald. "My dear granddaughter I hope you are feeling better. I have enclosed a package to you with anything you might need in your recovery. If your brother ever tries something like this again, alert me instantly. And you! I have my eye on you!" 

The letter disintegrated on the table and the whole hall was dead silent. 

"You absolute piece-" 

Antonin leapt from his seat and chased Emerald straight out of the Great Hall with a few other Slytherins hot on their heels, not wanting to miss the fight. 


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