Chapter 13

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It was Sirius's day of taking care of Emerald. 

Sirius had Monday and Sunday, Remus had Wednesday, Peter had Tuesday and Thursday and James had Friday. They usually all shared Saturday. 

"Come on Pup we're going to Honeydukes." Sirius said dragging her out of bed. 



"Wicked." She had picked up a few phrases from the time she spent with the Marauders. 

"Okay you get dressed and we'll leave in twenty minutes after we've had some breakfast." 

She hugged Sirius tight before running off to wake James who always wanted a hug before she left for a day out with another Marauder. 

"Good morning Teddy Bear." He mumbled. 

"Morning James. Sirius is taking me to Hogsmeade." 

"I hope you have a great day." James said hugging her tight. 

"I hope your team is on top form for practice. You have a big game tomorrow." She grinned. 

"I have taught you well young Dolohov." James chuckled before letting her go get dressed. 

"Ready to go Emerald?" Sirius said after they had eaten breakfast. 

"Uh huh." She grabbed his hand and they walked out of the Great Hall together. 

It was mid January so it was still freezing. Sirius made Emerald put on a coat, hat, gloves and a Gryffindor scarf. 

They raced down the path to Hogsmeade trying not to crash into other people who were going to Hogsmeade as well. 

"Here we are Honeydukes." Sirius grinned. 

They entered the shop and bought so many sweets that even Remus couldn't eat them all. 

They walked out of the shop giggling together and Sirius brought her to a hill where there was a place to sit on top. 

Once they were up there they sat on the bench and ate their sweets. 



"What was I like?" 

"You mean older you?" She nodded. "Well you're clever and top of most of your classes. You were very good at avoiding our pranks. You seemed to always know that they were coming. You didn't take anything from anyone. You were never afraid to argue or fight anyone." 

"Did I have friends?" 

"I think so. We never really talked. You stayed with the Slytherins and I stayed with the Gryffindors." 

She stayed quiet then and ate a blood pop. 

They walked down the hill together about twenty minutes later both hyper from all the sugar they had just consumed. 

"Should we have a race?" Sirius asked. 

"Down the hill?"


"But you'll beat me." She whined. 

"You can have a three second head start." 


"Three. Two. ONE!" 

Emerald took off and three seconds later Sirius sprinted after her. 

Soon Sirius caught up with the five year old and shot her a grin. 

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