Chapter 4

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James held on tight to the tiny human hot-water bottle that was Emerald Dolohov. She was fast asleep still as was James but that was soon ruined by Sirius. 

"Guys wake up wake up. Its snowing we have to go outside." He shook everyone except Emerald awake. 

Emerald opened her eyes but buried herself back into James's chest growling at Sirius. 

"What she said." James muttered pulling the blanket up over his head. 

"But its snowing." Sirius moaned pulling the blanket off them. James aimed a smack at him. "Oi watch it Prongs my face is priceless." 

"Yeah in a Picasso museum." Emerald muttered pulling the blanket around her. Peter and Remus laughed uproariously as James and Sirius glanced at each other confused. 

"Emerald we're going to Hogsmeade today. We can go to the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes the sweet shop." Peter reasoned squatting in front of her. 

"'M not allowed sweets." She whispered burrowing into the pillow. 

"Why not?" Peter asked confused. 

"Girls can't have sweets. Mother said that sweets make us fat so we can't eat them." Peter's eyes widened as did everyone else's. 

"So you've never had sugar quills, blood pops, every flavour beans-" Sirius was cut off by Remus. 

"CHOCOLATE?" He practically shouted. 

"No I'm sorry I swear its not my fault." 

"This is a crime. Come on Emerald up you get and we're going to Honeydukes." Remus said pulling her out of bed. She moaned and groaned all the way to the bathroom where she got changed. 

Remus picked her up and placed her on his shoulders and carried her to breakfast. She giggled giddily as she saw everything from much higher. 

"Now have a healthy breakfast before we leave to stuff ourselves with sweets." James ordered and they all served themselves porridge, toast, fruit salad and the likes under the watchful eye of James. 

When they were all done Sirius put Emerald on his shoulders and they all walked down to Hogsmeade. They made a quick stop at Zonko's before going to Honeyduke's. 

Emerald looked around in wonder from Sirius's shoulders. 

"James, Peter, Remus, Sirius and I don't know this one." Janine who worked at the till called as they entered. 

"Hey Janine this is Emerald. She's come for some chocolate." Remus announced picking out tons of chocolate. He piled it all on the table taking out the money and paying. The boys all spread out to find their own sweets as Remus took Emerald outside. 

"Now this is the best chocolate ever." He said handing her a huge bar of Honeyduke's chocolate. "Now that's yours." 

"Really?" She asked with shining eyes. 

"Of course it is. Now we just have to wait for them." Emerald took a tiny bite off the tip of the chocolate bar as if expecting it to explode. 

"Thank you Remus." She grinned and hugged him tight. 


There was a ton of noise coming from the Marauders dormitory. But it was only Sirius and Emerald in there. Remus could hear ACDC from the common room. 

He walked up and opened the door. Sirius was swinging Emerald around the room as they both rocked out. 

"CAUSE I'M T.N.T I'M DYNAMITE" Sirius shouted. 

The Mini Marauder.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن