Chapter 7

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Remus had sat Emerald down at a table in the library then told her not to move and went go find a book. 

Emerald got bored and usually she never disobeyed orders but she had been spending too much time with the Marauders and she wandered off. 

She saw a group of Slytherins walking off laughing leaving a Ravenclaw boy in a crumpled heap on the floor. She gasped and ran over. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. His face was bruised and dirty. He had long blonde hair and a dreamy look in his eyes even though he had just been beat up. 

"Yes I am thank you for asking." He smiled. 

She grabbed his hand pulling him up. "Come on into the library. They can't get you there." 

"It's just the wrackspurts. Their heads are full of them." He shook his head sadly. 

"What's a wrackspurt?" She asked curiously. She loved magical creatures more than anything. 

Xenophilius grinned and launched into an explanation. She hung onto his every word fascinated. 

Remus watched them over his book smiling softly. She looked overjoyed at the new information she was being given. 

After about twenty minutes Remus stood up. "Come on Sunshine we have to go. You can talk to Lovegood again later." She took his hand. 

"Bye bye Xenophilius." She waved and smiled. 

"Goodbye Emerald." He smiled dreamily. 


The Marauder and their mini Marauder entered the Great Hall. Emerald let go of Sirius's hand -which surprised him- and ran to the Ravenclaw table -which surprised him even more- where she sat next down to Xenophilius -which shocked him completely-.

"Hello Xenophilius." She chirped happily. 

"Hi Emerald. Here to learn about the Nargles?" He asked. 

"Yup you promised." 

"That I did." He began talking about the Nargles as James and Sirius watched open mouthed. 

"When did that happen?" James asked pointing between the two. 

"Just this afternoon. She was bored with me so she went to talk to someone else and met Xenophilius Lovegood." Remus shrugged and went and sat next to Emerald. James and Peter soon followed.

Sirius gasped dramatically. But he slowly followed the other three to the table.

The four Marauders talked as if they were still at Gryffindor table and Xenophilius and Emerald were in deep conversation that they didn't even try to follow. 


It was the day of the ball and Emerald was hiding under the bed. 

"I won't wear a dress and anyway blue is not my colour." She gave the first excuse she could think of. 

"Well if you won't wear that what do you want to wear?" James asked sticking his head under the bed. 

"I don't know but not a dress." 

"How about this?" Peter held out a suit. She stuck her head out from under the bed. 

"That's too big though." She said confused. 

"We can shrink it if you like it." Sirius shrugged. She nodded and grinned coming out from under the bed. 

"Now all of us are ready let's go." James said and hurried them all out. 

"Yes mother." Sirius replied rolling his eyes. 

"Why did none of you get dates?" Emerald questioned. 

"We didn't want to go through the bother. Ask a girl out and they get clingy." Sirius scoffed but then again his words registered as soon as she let go of his hand. "Wait I'm sorry please don't be angry."

"That was mean Sirius." She mumbled and took James's hand. James grinned triumphantly at Sirius who glared. 

James gave his first dance to Emerald. He was surprisingly good at dancing she found. He put her feet on top of his and danced around as she giggled. 

Then Remus danced with Emerald. Now he had no rhythm and she had to push him into the right positions so he didn't fall over but they both had fun. 

Peter danced her around the floor as well. Their song was quicker and he twirled her around a lot which made her dizzy and they both laughed almost the entire time. 

She hadn't looked at Sirius in the past hour. This was the longest she had ever ignored him. He approached the five year old nervously and squatted in front of her. 

"You're not still angry are you pup?" He asked. 

"Say you're sorry." She ordered and Sirius heaved a sigh. 

"I'm sorry for the mean things I said." She smiled brightly at him. "Now can I have a dance before you go to bed?" She pretended to consider it. 

"Okay." She heaved a sigh exactly like Sirius and took his hand.

He picked her up so she was face to face with him and wrapped her legs around his torso. He grabbed her hand and danced her around. 

"This is much easier than dancing with other girls. I don't need to worry about stepping on your feet." Sirius chuckled. 

"Yeah when people step on your feet it hurts. Father stepped on my feet a lot. He can't dance at all." She giggled. 

"The Great Antonin Dolohov the Third can't dance." Sirius asked doing a three sixty making her laugh. 

"No but my brother can. But he's so old now." She wrinkled her nose in confusion. 

"Do you really want to know what happened?" Sirius sighed. She nodded. "Well me, James, Remus and Peter were going to prank someone and make them into a kid again. But then you sat down where he usually sat and drank his drink. We'd put too much potion in the drink and you drank it all so here we are you're a kid and we're still all teenagers." 

Emerald had a blank face and he could practically see the cogs turning in her head. "Okay." She said eventually. "Did you know older me?"

"I did kind of. We never really talked. You're a Slytherin and I'm a Gryffindor." She nodded along. 

"That's cool." She shrugged. 

"Come on Teddy Bear time for bed." James grinned taking her from Sirius. She lay her head on his shoulder and waved bye to Sirius who waggled his fingers back at her.

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