Chapter 6

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It had been exactly a week and two days since Emerald had crashed into their lives and rearranged everything. 

Christmas was in two weeks and they were leaving next week. They were discussing what to do with Emerald during the break. 

"I think its obvious she just comes to Potter Manor with us." James shrugged. 

"But would your mom like that?" Remus asked. 

"Probably she always said she wants a daughter and that I grew up to quickly so its a two in one." 

"At least write to her and ask before we all turn up with a four year old." 

"I'm five!" Emerald said indignantly. "It was my birthday yesterday." The boys wheeled around. 

"WHAT?!" Sirius yelled. 

"You didn't think to tell us it was your birthday." 

"Well sorry I didn't think it was a big deal." She said examining her nails exactly how Sirius did. 

"That's it you need to stop spending that much time with Sirius. But it is a big deal Sunshine. Its your birthday you turned five." Remus explained and she looked at him. 

"No it isn't. Birthdays aren't that special. That's what mother says anyway." She shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Well she's wrong." They had all noticed that whenever Emerald said something negative it was often followed with 'that's what mother says anyway.' 

"Come on we're going to celebrate your birthday right now." Peter proclaimed putting her on his shoulders and strutting out of the dormitory with the other three in tow. 

That day they brought her to Hogsmeade got her a cake, bought her gifts and spent the whole day with her. For them it was a sad birthday celebration but for her it was the best thing ever. 

She hugged all of them tightly almost crying. James, Peter and Remus were all surprised by her reaction but Sirius understood. When James had woke him in the morning on his birthday with presents he had had a mini breakdown and began crying and therefore James cried just because Sirius was. Remus and Peter had stared at them for a few minutes before giving Sirius their gifts as well.

She sat on Remus's shoulders for the trip back. It was almost nine o'clock when they made it back and Emerald was dead on her feet. She crawled into James's bed and was lights out. 

The four of them chuckled and tucked her in. They had homework to do as always. 


"MOONY MOONY MOONY WORMTAIL WORMTAIL WAKE UP." Sirius shouted and they both started awake with Remus cradling a sleeping Emerald. "EVANS SAID YES. THEY ARE GOING TO HOGSMEADE TODAY." 

Remus fell out of the bed and crashed to the floor. Emerald let out a cry of pain as she hit the ground. Remus, Peter and Sirius all yelped and were by her side in half a second. 

"I'm so sorry Sunshine. Are you okay." Remus apologised frantically as she stood up drowsily. 

"Whoa everything's spinning." She groaned and sat back down. 

"Hey hey just come here." Remus said internally panicking. She stood up swaying before falling into Remus's open arms. She went back to sleep on his shoulder. 

"Evans said yes!?" Peter whisper-shouted. 

"Yeah she said he had obviously matured because he hadn't pranked anyone in over a week and he was looking after a five year old." Sirius explained. 

"Okay we need omnioculars and coats." Remus said getting up cradling the sleeping girl carefully. 

"I got the omnioculars." Sirius held them up. Four pairs of omnioculars one smaller for Emerald. 

"I got coats." Peter called hauling them out of the cupboard. 

"Perfect, operation spy on James is a go." Remus grinned as he gently put the coat on Emerald trying not to wake her. 

When they were all ready they trooped out of the dorm and down the stairs. Remus was still holding the asleep five year old. They exited the common room and set off for Hogsmeade. 

Half an hour later. 

"Okay when you spot them tell us." Sirius said to the other three. Emerald held the omnioculars up to her face and scanned around. 

"There he is!" Remus yelled and pointed down to the frozen fountain where he was standing with Lily. They all spun around and looked through their omnioculars spotting the pair of them. 

"He doesn't look very happy." Emerald observed making the omnioculars zoom in. 

"She probably told him he wasn't getting it tonight." Sirius cackled but stopped abruptly when he realised what he said. Remus and Peter glanced at each other. 

"What's he not getting tonight?" Emerald asked innocently. 

"Um shit, fuck, bollox no don't swear. Shit Remus help." Sirius stuttered. 

"Eh he's not getting um dessert?" He suggested nervously. 

"YEAH yeah he's not getting dessert tonight." 

"But that's mean, James loves dessert." She frowned. "She can't take his dessert he'll be sad." 

"That's what happens when girls and boys date." Sirius explained still wide-eyed. 

"Well then I don't want a boyfriend or girlfriend never ever." She shook her head. 

"You say that now sweetheart." Sirius ruffled her hair. 

She put the omnioculars back up to her face and made a sound of disgust. "Ew they're kissing." She lowered the omnioculars and shuddered. The boys chuckled. 

"Well it's done now. They're going to the Three Broomsticks. We should go there too but we can't talk to James." Sirius explained seriously. 

"Let's go." Remus picked up Emerald and they sprinted down to the Three Broomsticks. 

James looked up at the door and saw his four friends enter. He could tell from their attire that they had been spying. They were all covered in snow and had omnioculars hanging from their necks. 

Sirius strutted up and flirted with Rosmerta the new bartender. He watched as Remus covered Emerald's ears and scolded Sirius who looked panicked. 

"Are you listening?" Lily asked. 

"Oh sorry just I see my friends couldn't leave us alone for one afternoon." He groaned and Lily looked around. 

"Emerald's adorable." Lily said and waved at the five year old who smiled and waved back. 

"She is. Now what were you saying." 

"There's a ball. Two days before we go home apparently." 

"WHAT!" He lowered his voice. "God a ball. Has someone asked you?" 

"I'm afraid so Potter but I'm sure you'll find a date."

The Mini Marauder.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara