A visit

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56 and Aidan froze in shock and fear. What was the scientist going to do with them? The scientist opened the door, stepped out, grabbed Aidan and 56, and started dragging them towards the door. Aidan figured out why he got hit after a few seconds. They were in the driveway! He was relieved that it wasn't 56 who got hit. But he knew that they were in some deep trouble. The scientist dragged them down a large hallway, and the realization hit Aidan like a ton of bricks. The scientist was taking them to Dr. Green's office. Aidan mentally started planning their escape route. Who knows what he'll do to them! He looked up at the scientist and tried to figure out who it was. His eyes widened after a few seconds. It was Dr. Jamie who was dragging them. They arrived at their destination after a few minutes, but to Aidan, it felt like hours. Dr. Jamie pulled Aidan and 56 up, and shoved them in the office, with Dr. Jamie close behind them. Dr. Green was working on a new experiment, and Aidan saw it was for Subject 258. Whoever that was. Dr. Green glanced at Aidan and 56, and his expression went from neutral to angry "Alright, WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO NOW?!" Dr. Green yelled. That caught Aidan by surprise. Aidan has already done a few things to raise a few suspicions, but he had no idea what 56 ever did. He jumped back and fell to the floor. 56 stood there shocked. He had never heard Dr. Green yell before. "I caught these two imbeciles outside in the driveway. They were probably escaping." Dr. Jamie explained with a shit-eating smirk on his face. He shot a glare at Aidan and 56, who were still paralyzed from shock and fear. Dr. Green reached into his desk and took out a pistol. "Aidan... 56... Come with me."••• Dr. Andie raced down the hall, keeping an eye out for 0. Who knows where he could be! 'What if Dr. Green found him?! Or Dr. Jamie?! What if he's in danger?!' He searched for what felt like hours until he reached the room he went into yesterday to search for a file. He burst into the room, only to find 0 hiding while searching for something. Dr. Andie sighed in relief. "Oh thank gosh, I found you! What are you doing in here?!" Dr. Andie asked. "I'm looking for something. Now leave me alone, shithead." 0 replied. Dr. Andie sprinted over to 0, grabbed his arm, and tried pulling him to the room. 0 wouldn't budge. "What are you doing?!" "Taking you to the experiment room. Please cooperate.." 0 looked at Dr. Andie in shock and anger. Since when did he do the experiments on subjects? "HELL NO! YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO WANT TO DO ANY EXPERIMENT?!" 0 screamed. Dr. Andie watched 0 helplessly. How was he supposed to help 0 if he didn't want anything to do with him?" "0... The reason I'm the one doing an experiment is to help you. The injection Dr. Jamie gave you was an illness made to kill you." "What."••• Dr. Green took them to an execution room. This was it. They were screwed. He forced Aidan and 56 to sit down on two chairs and strapped them to the chairs. He started preparing an injection to kill both of them, and Aidan still didn't lose hope. While Dr. Green was distracted, (and in another room) Aidan started biting at the straps. He got his right arm out of one strap and started working on the other straps. "What are you doing?" 56 asked. "Getting us out of here. Give me a minute." Aidan answered. He got the straps off of 56's torso and got the straps off his legs after a few tries. He got off the chair and freed 56. By the time he was done, Dr. Green came back with the injection. "GET BACK HERE." Dr. Green started chasing them, and they both ran around the room like crazy. Aidan snatched the pistol off the counter and pointed it at Dr. Green. "Shit..." He heard Dr. Green mumble to himself. Instead of shooting Dr. Green, he shot the window to his left. That made a big enough hole to climb out of. Luckily, there were some bushes below them, and Aidan helped 56 out the window. He landed safely in the bushes and motioned Aidan to jump. Aidan turned around and shot Dr. Green in the leg. Dr. Green screamed in pain, and Aidan jumped out. He saw two doctors run straight over to Dr. Green after hearing him scream to assist him. Aidan landed in the bushes, and grabbed 56, and started running. They ran deep into the woods, not even bothering to look behind them. Aidan and 56 ran until they saw an abandoned cabin in the woods. It was the middle of the night, and they needed sleep. "Are you ok?" Aidan asked 56 worriedly after stepping into the cabin. "Yeah. What are we going to do now? We can't leave all of those subjects behind!" Aidan looked out into the woods and thought for a minute. He sighed and made 56 lays in a bed inside the cabin so he can get some sleep. "I don't want to say this, but..." He hesitated before talking again. "We're going to have to go back to the lab."

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