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0 and 56 managed to evade Dr. Green after a few minutes of running. 0 and 56 silently walked through the halls of the hellhole they called home. Or, used to. 56 looked behind 0 and him, making sure that they lost Dr. Green. "I'm going to go look for more exits. Follow me." 0 started sprinting, not waiting for 56. 56 quickly ran after 0, but he was a few feet back from 0. 56 ran down the hall, not paying attention to the door opening. An arm flew out from the doorframe and grabbed onto 56. 0 quickly turned around, only to find a scientist pulling 56, ignoring 56 screaming. 0 sprinted towards the scientist, grabbed 56's sleeve, and kicked the scientist in the stomach. The scientist back away and clenched his stomach, groaning from the pain. 0 took the opportunity to run away from the scientist with 56. After a few long minutes of running, not catching a break, they finally found Aidan. "Where were you two?!" Aidan worriedly asked. "We were trying to help you by finding exits." 0 replied. "His idea, not mine!" 0 pointed at 56, shifting the blame. "Well, at least you two are safe." Aidan sighed. Footsteps echoed the halls, and not long after, Dr. Green appeared from behind the corner. Aidan, 0 and 56's eyes widened, frozen in shock as they watched Dr. Green limping towards them. "Run!" Aidan whisper-shouted towards the two. 0 was the first to react. 0 grabbed 56's sleeve and started running from Dr. Green. 56 was trying to keep up with 0 but ended up tripping a few times. Fortunately, 0 finally stopped in front of the janitor's closet. 56 sat down, trying to catch his breath, and looking at his scraped knees. "You get in the closet and stay there. I'm going to go look for an exit." 0 said while gripping the wall and standing up. 56 nodded, opened the door, and crawled in there, hoping there was a bandage for his knees in there. 0 sprinted away and started running back towards Aidan and Dr. Green. He was sure there was some sort of exit nearby them. Aidan and Dr. Green were nowhere to be found. 0 shrugged after noticing and immediately started looking for an exit. He opened a door, only to see Dr. Jamie right behind the door. Dr. Jamie seemed to be looking for something, so 0 took the chance to get out. Unfortunately, Dr. Jamie heard him. He turned around and froze. They had a mini staring contest before Dr. Jamie sprinted after 0. 0 ran out the doorway, and down the hall. 0 took a sharp turn around a corner, and Dr. Jamie followed not soon after. 0 took another sharp turn, hoping to lose Dr. Jamie. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Dr. Jamie chased after 0, and it was clear that 0 wasn't going to lose him. The chase finally ended in a file room when Dr. Jamie grabbed 0. 0 tried pulling away from Dr. Jamie, but his grip was too strong. 0 bit down on Dr. Jamie's wrist while pushing him away by elbowing him in the chest. "OW!" Dr. Jamie yelled while letting 0 go. Dr. Jamie took a look at his wrist to check for damage, but a few seconds later, started hissing while putting a hand over his heart. His breaths started to get shorter as if he was having trouble breathing. 0 watched in slight horror as Dr. Jamie struggles to breathe. Was he having some sort of heart attack? 0 shook his head and started running away. He knew it was wrong to not help when someone is having a medical emergency, but if he helped, it was pretty much guaranteed that he was going to get caught by Dr. Jamie.••• Dr. Green was limping down the hall, with Aidan shortly after. Aidan walked behind him, making sure that he didn't find any of the subjects. Aidan already alerted the police about the location of the lab. Dr. Green limped down the hall until he stopped in front of the janitor's closet. Aidan's eyes widened when he heard movement in the janitor's closet. That meant either 0 or 56 was in there. Aidan quickly pulled Dr. Green away, and dragged him to the execution room, ignoring Dr. Green's protests. They arrived a few minutes later. Aidan went inside to get something, accidentally leaving Dr. Green outside. Dr. Green started quickly limping towards the janitor's closet. About two minutes later, Dr. Green was a few feet away from the janitor's closet. Aidan ran after Dr. Green, and his face went pale when he saw Dr. Green a few feet away from the door. He sprinted down the hall and grabbed Dr. Green, cuffing him with the cuffs he got from the execution room. "You're under arrest," Aidan said while showing his badge.

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