The lost

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Aidan groggily woke up half an hour after the crash. He gripped a nearby branch on a tree to support his own weight and lifted himself up. He glanced towards his right and was horrified to see the helicopter completely destroyed, and his colleagues injured. He tried to walk, but pain shot through his ankle when he did so. He probably twisted it. Nevertheless, he forced himself to keep moving, limped toward Officer Williams, and checked for a pulse. He was dead. "Holy shit..." He mumbled to himself. He pulled out his walkie-talkie and pressed the call button. "Hello?" A familiar voice spoke. Normally, he hated that voice with a passion, but to Aidan at the moment, it sounded like a fucking angel's voice. "Hey, Henry. The helicopter crashed." Aidan "We know. We got alerted to its location. Is anyone injured?" Henry inquired. "Officer Williams is dead." Aidan replied. "What about the other officers?" Aidan was reluctant to check Officer Stevens's pulse, but he forced himself to check anyway, fearing what he'd find. His fears were proven right. "Officer Stevens is also dead, sir." Aidan mumbled, defeated. "...The pilot?" Henry asked. Aidan checked the pilot's pulse, and relief flooded through him when he felt the beating in the pilot's wrist. "He is alive, sir. Injured, but alive." "That's good. Stay put. We're sending paramedics for the two of you." "Yes, sir." Aidan mumbled and hung up. "Fuck..." He whispered under his breath. He sighed, tossed the walkie-talkie in a random direction, and started limping away. Aidan's thoughts whirled through his head like a level 5 hurricane. He was alone in the middle of the woods, and help was probably going to take a while. Aidan was not the most patient person on Earth when it came to this type of stuff, so he started looking for help nearby. He wasn't sure if there was anyone out there, but it was a chance he was willing to take.••• Aidan knew he probably walked for hours, and that it was going to take a while for his ankle to heal after this was over. He forced himself to keep walking through, despite the pain in his leg. After walking for hours, he finally found himself at a huge building. The building was a really light gray, and it gave Aidan a sinking feeling in his chest. He shook it off and forced himself to knock on the door. Nothing. He cursed under his breath and tried a different way in. He found a window somewhere that led to a dark, abandoned hallway. He used his elbow to break the glass, and he threw himself in. He studied himself after standing up and started walking through the hallway, listening to the crunching under his shoes. Aidan removed everything on him that could identify him as a police officer, including his walkie-talkie, but chose to keep his badge and gun on his person. He saw the door at the end of the hallway and limped in the direction of the light. Throwing open the door, he was met with an illuminated hallway. He stepped forward, drinking in his surroundings. Aidan felt as if he was being watched, so he slowly took out his gun. He pointed it forward and looked around. He heard footsteps behind him, so he spun around in shock. No one was there. He sighed in relief, and spun back forward, only to be met with a man in a lab coat. He was holding a syringe, and before Aidan could react, the man stuck the syringe in a vein in Aidan's neck.••• Waking up, he was met with a bright light above him. "What the fuck...?" He mumbled in disbelief. Aidan noticed his neck was sore. He tried reaching for his gun, only to notice it gone. A tall, lanky man slowly entered the room with a seemingly friendly smile. "You're awake! I'm terribly sorry for the bright light." The man said, flicking the light off. "My name is Dr. Green. Your name is Aidan." "How...?" Aidan mumbled under his breath, wondering how he knew. But then he remembered that he had his driver's license on him. He lifted himself off the bed and started getting up, but Dr. Green gently pushed him back onto the bed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You're still recovering." Dr. Green said with a smile. Though at first glance it looked friendly, it was clear to Aidan that it had a sinister undertone. Aidan decided to play dumb. "Recovering from what?" Aidan asked. Dr. Green tilted his head in confusion but then put on his (obviously) fake smile. "I found you in the woods, buddy. You have a sprained ankle. But don't worry! You'll recover in no time..." Dr. Green assured him. Aidan knew he was lying, but didn't call out Dr. Green on it. "You're going to stay in this room for a little bit while you recover. After that, you'll be working here as a janitor. I'm going to get you some food and water." Dr. Green left the room. Then Aidan understood. Dr. Green thinks that he doesn't remember anything. Aidan slowly took out his badge and stared at the piece of metal. Putting it back in his pocket, he only mumbled one sentence. "Fuck my life..."

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