Switching places

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56 desperately stared at the door. He backed away from the door, and threw himself at the door full speed ahead, hoping that he would either break down the door or that someone would hear him and answer it. "Aidan... The door isn't opening..." 56 quietly stated. Aidan tried getting up but immediately fell to the floor. "Go get help..." Aidan weakly mumbled. 56 heard him, and bolted through the hallway, looking for someone or something that might help open the door.••• Dr. Andie quietly slid off the chair and quickly sprinted out of the room and down the hall. He immediately went back into the room and grabbed the green liquid from the machine. Somehow, by some miracle, the doctors and guards were still knocked out. He tip-toed out of the room, locking the door. He returned to the experiment room and put the strange liquid under the microscope. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the chemicals that were in the liquid. Dr. Andie put the liquid in a drawer and grabbed some ingredients that he will need to make the cure. While he was working, he heard loud footsteps running through the halls. He decided to go see what was going on. ••• 56 threw open a door that was labeled "File room." He snuck into the room and started opening file cabinets using his mouth. He found nothing in the room that could help him. 56 closed all the cabinets he opened, and walked out the room, closing the door. Back to running through the halls. He didn't even have time to notice a grown man opening one of the doors. The man had short, raven hair and 56 guessed the man was probably 6'3. He looked to be in his early twenties, and the man had a confused expression on his face. "Why are you running through the halls?" The man asked. "Who are you?" 56 questioned while eyeing the man suspiciously. "My name is Dr. Andie." The man now known as Dr. Andie replied. "I'm trying to figure out how to get in the recovery room." 56 explained. "Is someone injured?" Dr. Andie asked, slightly panicked. 56 nodded and signaled Dr. Andie to follow. 56 led him to the recovery room, and Dr. Andie immediately started panicking upon seeing Aidan's condition. "What happened?!" Dr. Andie asked. He then quickly got out the key and opened the door. 56 saw three subjects in the room but decided not to question them. 56 and Dr. Andie helped Aidan onto a bed, and Dr. Andie started treating Aidan's wounds. "What happened?" Dr. Andie asked again, and 56 told him everything that happened, making sure to leave out parts that would give their actual identities away. "So, Oliver got beaten up by scientists?" 56 nodded. "Oh gosh, that explains it. The doctors here are really harsh..." Dr. Andie mumbled. "So you're now a subject?" Dr. Andie asked, referring to 56's shirt. 56 nodded. "That's strange, usually when Dr. Green gets a kid, he usually gives them some sort of drug that makes them forget everything..." Dr. Andie finished bandaging Aidan's wounds and looked over at 56. "We should let him rest. I'll make sure Dr. Green doesn't get to you. Most of the experiments they do on subjects are really dangerous for their health..." Dr. Andie left the room, with 56 close behind. He locked the room so Dr. Green can't get in the room and went back to the experiment room. "Why are we here?" 56 asked once they entered the room. Dr. Andie grabbed a bag of chips from a drawer and gave it to 56. He then quickly explained what happened to the members of TC. "Oh..." Right after Dr. Andie finished telling him, 56 started to come up with ways to help Dr. Andie while he watched Dr. Andie work on a cure.••• Aidan eventually woke up, and the first thing he saw was three subjects. "AH!" Aidan jumped up in surprise. A boy glanced at Aidan and walked over to him. "Are you ok?" The boy asked. The boy had dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. Aidan guessed that he was 5'3, and he looked to be around the age of 12. The weird part was, his shirt had "0" written on it. "Yeah, I'm fine. Who are you?" Aidan calmly asked. "I'm Subject 0. What's your name?" 0 asked. "My name is Aidan." Aidan responded, using his real name. Aidan slid off the bed and gave the strange boy a small smile. 0 remembered everything that happened in the room. He reprogrammed the machine to give him less of the liquid, but enough to make it look like he got the same amount of the liquid-like the others. Because of the liquid, he felt completely numb. He figured out that what the liquid did was kinda brainwash the people affected. When given the amount of liquid the other subjects got, they had 10 seconds to move freely by themselves. After 10 seconds, they were completely paralyzed. When they were fully affected, they are basically devoid of any emotions and paralyzed. 0 was able to move willfully, but that was all he could do at the moment. So, for now, he had to deal with being the creepiest kid of all time until he figures out how to undo it. Aidan was looking at 0 concerned, and 0 finally broke the silence. "Why are you here?" 0 asked. "Got beaten up by some doctors." Aidan replied. 0 nodded, and went to go open the door, but quickly realized the door was locked. "What's wrong?" Aidan asked. "The door's locked." 0 replied. Aidan opened a cabinet and found an old Bobby pin. He picked the lock using that and opened the door. He looked at a calendar on the wall, and then the clock, and did the math in his head. He was out for 18 hours. What did those doctors even do to him that made him pass out for 18 hours? Aidan knew he had to be careful because now he had only 6 days remaining. Aidan grabbed onto 0's hand and took him to the janitor's closet. "Why are we here?" 0 asked. "This is where we'll be hiding." Aidan replied. "Stay here. I need to go look for someone." Aidan left the janitor's closet and started running through the halls. Aidan now had two people he needed to protect. He started looking for 56. ••• 56 started to get bored. And worried about Aidan. It had been 18 hours. Yes, he counted. 56 started to notice that Dr. Andie was starting to get tired... "You should rest." 56 stated. Dr. Andie glanced at 56. "Don't worry! I'll be just... Fine..." Dr. Andie denied it. "Uh-huh. Sure.." 56 pulled Dr. Andie off the chair and took him to the recovery room, despite Dr. Andie's protests. 56 realized that Aidan wasn't in the room, and Dr. Andie notices that 0 wasn't there. Dr. Andie started to panic and immediately went to go look for 0 and Aidan, with 56 close behind. "Where did they go?!" 56 asked. "I don't know. I'll look around." Dr. Andie stated while going to look for 0. 56 nodded, and the first place he checked was the break room. 56 kicked the door open and started to look for either 0 or Aidan. 56 checked cabinets, under the table, and literally every hiding spot he could think of. When he didn't find them there, he went back outside and started checking other places.••• Aidan checked everywhere he could think of. Abandoned cells, experiment rooms, even "staff only" rooms! Aidan quietly walked down a hall he has never been in before. He looked in every room, but one room caught his attention. The room was devoid of any light, and there were three people laying in a corner. The strange part about the room was a big machine right in the middle of the room. A suitcase laid right next to the door, and Aidan picked it up. He curiously looked at the suitcase, and tip-toed to the people in the corner, carrying the suitcase. He recognized one of the people as Dr. Jamie, but couldn't tell who the other two people were. Aidan then snuck towards the machine and looked inside it. The machine had two doors, and five claws inside it. One of the claws held an empty syringe, but Aidan could still see traces of green left behind in the syringe. Aidan heard someone getting up from the corner of the room, and looked to see what was going on. To his horror, he saw Dr. Jamie standing in the corner, and he didn't look happy. Aidan slowly crept away from the machine, but unfortunately for Aidan, Dr. Jamie saw him. Dr. Jamie saw the suitcase in Aidan's hand and immediately started chasing Aidan. Aidan bolted out of the room and ran down the hall with Dr. Jamie on his tail. Aidan gripped the suitcase, trying not to let go. Aidan threw open a door, just in time for the door to hit Dr. Jamie and catch him off guard. Aidan quickly sprinted down the hall, not even giving Dr. Jamie a chance to process what just happened. Aidan heard Dr. Jamie's footsteps behind him, and he continued to run. Eventually, Aidan saw the closet, and threw open the door, and slammed it shut, locking it. He breathed a sigh of relief, and Aidan put the suitcase down. "What's the suitcase for?" 0 asked. "I don't know, I just found it. But I know for a fact that it will be useful later on." Aidan replied. He felt terrible for stealing the suitcase, but he was determined to get everyone out. And he knew that the suitcase was going to be part of the key to achieving that goal.

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