09 Eternal Rose

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I began humming a simple tune as I walked further into the depths of the dark, horrid forest. I hate it here, I have no friends and I don't think anyone actually likes me. I couldn't feel Grayson's stare on my back anymore.

Narrowing my eyes at a tree, I felt a certain pull towards it, within my anger, I threw my hardest punch at it, of course, not making a mark, though it cut my knuckles."Ow!" I cried as I shook my hand to try to take the pain away. "Who wants an untrained, human Luna."I sighed. Only after a second or two, I released that it had engravings on it.





Guilt pooled in my stomach, oh my god I just punched a man's grave, just in front of the tree, lay a bright blue flower, in perfect condition. Confusion punctured my brain, the rose was calling me, roses had always been my favourite flower, but there's no reason that it should've bloomed, it isn't in season! "How mad," I muttered, before touching the bright, unnatural rose.

Bright blue mist had flown from the rose, it travelled from the tip of my finger, towards my bleeding knuckle, "I-Wha..." I was speechless as I watched the mist enter my body, I tried blowing it away, though it wouldn't budge.

"What?" I whispered, starting to feel faint, as I dropped down onto my knees, the whole world turned a dark blue for a second, but after I blinked, my vision was normal, I looked back onto my hand, the ink was...sinking into my skin and in my veins, it turned into a rich blue colour. I tried to stand, but I was too weak.


"Ahh!" I screamed, covering my ears, what was that? Looking around, I tried to find the person who whispered into my ear. "Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing in the woods.

"What was that?"I asked myself. I took out my phone to call Bailey but it wasn't there."Oh no," I left my phone. I looked around, straining my ears for any movement, waiting for someone to run out, telling me that this is all a prank.

"Luna! "I turned towards the person running towards me. Within a few seconds, she had reached me. "Luna are you alright?" She lifted me to my feet. I instantly shook my head.

"What's happening?"I stuttered and tried to wiggle out of her grasp, panicking slightly.

"I-I actually don't know," She uttered, looking at me. Her eyebrows furrowed once she saw my hand, grabbing it she looked closer, her mouth fell open once she saw the blue mist fixing my cuts my hand. I was shocked too. We both watched as the dust sew up my wounds. "What the..." She mumbled.

I opened my mouth to speak, turning around to the flower, though it was now dead and dull, fully wilted. Once I had calmed a little, I looked up at the girl, she had long, purple hair, she looked down at me, with wide, bright green eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked, grabbing my hand, it was tingling a little.

"I'm just a maid, Luna," She bowed her head a little, her gaze moving towards my hand again, "Luna," She mumbled, her hand moving towards my wrist. "Oh no, Luna," She mumbled again, looking directly at the witches mark that had been engraved onto my skin.

My stomach fell, pulling my sleeve down, covering it, I looked at her. "if you dare speak another word about this to anyone, I will kill you," I said, very seriously.

She looked at me hesitantly, "O-Of course Luna, I would never speak a word of it to anyone," She bowed her head again.

"Thank you, miss- what's your name again?" I asked, the purple-headed girl was around my age, she was beautiful, though, stress lines drawn onto her tanned skin.

"Emerald," She smiled, picking at her nails. Emerald helped me stand up, we walked back to the packhouse. Turning to her, I grabbed her hands, pulling them close to her.

"Remember, do not tell anyone about what you saw today, you never saw me in the forest okay? My future in this pack lies within you, can you keep this secret, Emerald?" I looked into her eyes, she was somewhat familiar, her voice, reminded me of something, someone, but I could not place it. Nobody could know about the witches mark, Grayson will not want me and I can't go home, my father will be so disappointed in me. 

She nodded, smiling, "Of course Luna, I won't tell a soul," She bowed.

Laughing a little, I lifted her up, "We are the same age, no need to treat me with such respect, call me Dawn,"

She smiled at me. "Of course Dawn,"

I thought for a second, my voice becoming quieter, "Emerald," I uttered, "Do you know what's happening to me? What I am becoming?"

Her eyes quickly flickered to my hand again, she ran her hands over the wound, which was easily closed off, no mark made. "I will look it up Dawn, I will find out,"

"Thank you," I smiled again, squeezing her hands, before returning to the packhouse, feeling a little safer with her number safely tucked away in my phone. Making my way to my room, I called Rose, wanted to speak to Jacob quickly. 

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