22 A Promise

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I had no choice.

I realised that, this morning when I had awoken in Grayson's bed.

I couldn't kill him, I am too weak.

So I would do everything in my power to protect my family. I would protect Bailey, Hunter and Jacob with my life. I would sacrifice my entire existence for them. So that's what I am going to do.

I drove further away from the pack, I had been on the road for hours on end, thanking God silently for the invention of the GPS. I had made my way to my old pack. I had told everyone in Grayson's pack that I was in my room and I did not wish to be disturbed. Not letting the tears fall, I drove into the pack, grabbing a duffle bag, filled with clothes, food and other necessities, I made my way to Coralina's hut. "Reveal your ugly ass cottage, witch," I shouted, pulling the duffle bag closer to me.

"That's no way to greet your elders," Looking behind me, I was Coralina, on a bench in front of her cottage. Rage filled my senses.

"I want out," I spoke confidentially, tipping up my chin at the witch. "This stupid deal? It's bullshit. I want out."

Coralina snarled. "You've grown attached to the man." She spat as if it was the most horrific act in the world.

"I. Want. Out." I spoke

"And I want Grayson dead!" She growled, standing up, her magic moving quicker around her, wanting to be used.

I stood in silence for a second, "Erase Me." She cocked her head, an eyebrow raised. "Erase me from everyone's lives, extinguish my existence. Like you planned before I came up with this stupid deal,"

That's when the crackle formed in the clearing- the same one that had echoes in my head since the dream. "You would erase your families mind of you- just to save your precious mate," I allowed her to carry on laughing, a small tear formed at the corner of her eye. "That's gold," She cackled. " There is no way out of a blood pact, you stupid human," a certain hint of amusement still lined her voice.

My voice was calm, cold, collected "Even if I killed you?"

I had never seen someone's aura change so quickly. "You think, you can kill me?" Astonishment wandered in her voice. "Yes, if you killed me, your duties would be relived," an eyebrow raised, I felt her magic surround me, her power making me dizzy.

"Okay, I understand you, loud and clear, your more powerful then me," I tried to bat away the thick fog crawling under my eyelids, entering my skin cells, under my nails, filling my lungs. Till she retracted it.

"You've frustrated me. I want him dead in 2 weeks." She glared at me. "Don't question my strength, I've been patient with you. You don't want to face my true power."

With a flick of her hand, she was gone.

Will you come home like a good girl or do I have to come and drag you back?

Grayson spoke to me, through our link. We hadn't spoken since last night, since I had fallen asleep in his arms. I cringed at how vulnerable I was last night, though, he was vulnerable too, he was strapped to the wall, I could've done anything to him, yet not once did he ask me to stop. Not once would he beg.

"I promise you, In two weeks, Carolina, I will kill you. And I will love every last moment of it." I uttered a silent promise. A promise to myself. A promise to protect my family. That included Grayson.

I replied to Grayson in the bond.

I'm coming home.

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