18 Betrayal

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"But why darling?" Abby asked, giving me the Alpha's breakfast.

I shrugged, a small smile on my face as I took the tray. "I want an excuse to see him," I walked up the stairs, my knife feeling heavy under my sleeve. Walking quickly through the hallways, I tried to keep my tray from slipping. I wanted to get this done over quickly.

Reaching his door, the sweat made the gloves cling to my clammy hands. I could hear his angry voice from the other side, I pressed my ear to the door. "We are not training children under 15. That's final. If the vampires start a war. Then we will send under 15's through the tunnels." There was silence, his anger still radiating from under the door. "You will not send 14-year-olds to war! That's an order!" It went silent. Turning the knob, I let myself in.

As soon as the door opened, the alphas nose rose to the air, turning to me, his dark eyes met mine. I surveyed his outfit. Like always it was a white shirt, rolled up to his elbows and some black pants. His phone now tossed onto his bed. He fell onto his chair, his legs spread wide apart, he rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward. "Breakfast?" He eyed my tray carefully as I set it down, his gaze went to my sheer, black gloves.

The silver-coated knife was heavy on my arm. "You shouldn't argue this early in the morning," I spoke softly, carefully, not letting my voice waver for a second. Not letting myself feel nervous, or fear, he would smell it, latch onto it. I carried the plate over to him. "You really think there will be a war, with the vampires?" I looked into his stormy eyes, looking down on him.

He sighed, leaning back to look at me, his eyes looking over each crevice of my face, almost like he was trying to remember it. He ran a hand through his hair. "Do you?"

I scoffed, crossing my arms, walking closer. My hands itching to grab the dagger and plant it into his stomach. "Does my opinion really matter?"

"It does to me." He spoke. Each word dripped with power.

My jaw clenched. Why is he being nice? I refused to let a blush appear on my cheeks as I continued to gaze at him, coldly. "I believe death is inevitable. No matter how we die. War... murder... We all die, even vampires, wolves and witches, we may not die of age, but we will die if that's in 10 years or 10,000 ." I took a step closer, my hands crossing over each other. "There will be a war. There will be death. It's natural." I was so close to him, my gloved hand reached out and rubbed some dust from his shirt.

He looked up at me, his eyebrow raised, a certain amount of curiosity hidden within his eyes. "We may be dead from the war." He stood up, we were inches apart, the tension in the room stuck in my throat, suffocating me. "Though our actions will last a thousand generations." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. We were playing a dangerous game. "If we win this war. The future generations will be free," My hands inched towards my knife, "If we lose, all wolves, witches, humans, will be enslaved to vampires forever," I gulped. My fingers grasped the tip of my knife, I pulled it closer to me.

"I will protect my family. Whatever the costs." I spoke, mostly to myself, trying to tell myself I was doing the right thing.

Grayson fell back into the chair, "I too, would do whatever I could if I cared at all for my family," he spoke, bending his neck, so it was easily accessible. I could slit his throat right here. Right now. We stared at each other, in silence. We were both waiting for something to happen. I kept the eye-contact as I put my hand behind my back, I grasped the handle of the knife.

Kill him Kill him Kill him Kill him

The voice inside my head sang. Clenching my jaw, I moved towards him pulling my arm out though he stood up, grasping my right hand, twisting it so I dropped the jewelled knife, he grabbed it with his other hand, using his body to shove me against the wall. The knife now pressed against my throat, He used his knee to spread my thighs apart, keeping his knee firm between them. He used the tip of the knife to raise my chin up, to look him in the eye.

His expression was cold. Dead. "You don't think I can tell when my mates about to stab me, love?" He asked, his head tipping to the side. I sucked in a breath. Hoping he wouldn't cut me. Hoping the blue mist wouldn't fly from my body, revealing what I am.

Clenching my jaw, I grabbed the knife with my hand, blood poured from my cut, though I didn't let my magic heal me, kicking him in the dick, I pushed him away from me as he doubled over, using my foot, I pushed him to the ground, quickly climbing on top of him, I pressed the blade to his heart- he grabbed my neck, throwing me across the room, my body slammed into a wall, I fell to the floor with a huff. My back was on fire.

With a final attempt to kill him, I lifted my arm, throwing the blade to his face. Within one swift movement, he caught it, within a few inches of his face. Slowly walking to me, as if he was a hungry lion, and I was a baby dear, he bent down, grabbing my hair at the root, he lifted my head up. "War is coming Dawn. Be on the right side of it." Before dropping the knife next to my hand, he turned his back to me, this was a test, to see if I'd try to kill him again. Accepting my defeat, I let him go. His breakfast was now cold on the desk. 

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