11 Mr Jealous

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"I'm not telling you again Shards!"Franky groaned he is Grayson's driver and apparently a personal trainer.

I giggled "Franky have mercy! I'm dying!"I grabbed his shirt. He looked down at me with those big pupils.

"Shards you have only fought for half an hour, this is barely a warm-up," He rolled his eyes,

"Well excuse me for not being immortal and not having basically forever to train," I stared up at him, taking my hands from him. Age didn't affect wolves, and I envied it so much.

He glared at me, a small smile still on his lips, "You make me sound like I'm 1000, I'm only 40 Dawn,"

"In human years, you've basically lived your life," I tapped his shoulder supportingly, "It's okay Franky you can get through this mid-life crisis,"

"Shut up and fight me, baby,"

"You got it, old man," I began circling Franky, he has big brown eyes with high cheekbones, dark-skinned and a straight nose and jawline that's probably sharp enough to cut the tension whenever Alpha Grayson enters a room.

He had big arms and a 6-pack, he was the definition of gorgeous, I could imagine him being the most popular kid in school. He is the kindest person you will ever meet like seriously! My eyes glided to the tattoo on his right arm, it was of an intricate drawing of a woman.

"Shards!" Franky was in front of me and was about to slap me.

"Wow! Calm down, man!"I grabbed his hand. "There's no need for hostility," Smiling, I looked behind him, Grayson was watching my movements close, his eyes burning daggers into Franky's back. "If he was staring at you any harder, he might actually kill you," I laughed, looking back at Franky.

"Oh, Grayson?" He didn't turn around, looking at me, I nodded. "I can basically feel holes being burnt through my back," He smiled. "He doesn't have the right to be protective over you," He shook his head a little.

Yes. I cringed, thinking back to the moment I spilt my heart out to him about Grayson and Scarlette, I trust too easily. "Oh, I wish I could just slap him again," My hands turned to fists, my anger rising.

Franky quickly began circling me again, "C'mon, use that anger to pin me down,"


"You cheated!"I told the figure above me.

Franky laughed as he straddled me, holding my hands above my head. He leaned down, hovering over me, just as Grayson had done last night. "Don't be a sour loser Shards,"

Time to make Mr Alpha jealous.

Leaning towards Franky, I lifted my body to his, ready to kiss him. "I- erm- eh- Luna-" Franky looked frightened, hit grip loosed on me as he panicked, in the same moment, I used my body to push him off me, we rolled in the grass for a second before I sat on his waist, pinning his hands on top of his head. "Okay Shards- now that's cheating," He smiled, glad I wasn't actually trying to kiss him.

Smirking, I leaned closer to him, just as he had done to me. "I don't cheat, I just use my womanly powers- and the phrase is sore loser Franky," I chuckled, sitting back up straight, my hands still holding him down.

"Training. Is. Over"An angry, loud voice came to our left. There I saw my mate storming towards us. In an instant, he grabbed my arm and pulled me from Franky.

My smirk widened, he did care after all, "At least I beat him, jealous much?" I asked, ripping my arm from his grip.

"Franky! Come to my office, Now."My mate walked back to the back house, Franky laughed to himself and looked towards me.

"Come to my room later tonight, okay Franky," I winked at him.

Grayson turned around instantly, his hand wrapped around Franky's collar, pulling him closer. "Don't you dare touch my mate again," He growled

Franky smiled in response, Grayson snarled, letting go of his collar. I decided that they must be close, otherwise, Grayson would have killed Franky for smiling like that. "I can't believe you used me to make him jealous, I feel used," He started overdramatically, wrapping his arms around him.

"See ya, Frank," I smiled, before watching them walk away, I sat down on the grass, pulling out my phone, pressing Emeralds contact, I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello Luna," Her voice came out dull and bored.

"Emerald! Hey! What's wrong? Did I call at a bad time?"I fiddled with my fingers

"No, Leon was just leaving."I heard some shuffling and whispering and a door slamming."Hey Luna, what's up?"Emerald said cheerfully.

"Hey, Em...Did you manage to figure out about the.." I lowered my voice, "magic blue dust," I heard Emerald sigh.

"Unfortunately, Luna, I have not. "My eyebrows furrowed at the uncertainty in her voice.

"Emerald, are you lying to me?" I asked, inquisitively.

"... Of course not Luna,"

"Okay Emerald...Well, hopefully, I'll see you later?"I mumbled.

There wasn't any sound on the other side of the phone, I was just about to put the phone down until she sighed. "How about you come round mine tonight? We can go out?"

A brand new smile formed on my face. "Sure. Meet you in 10."

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