05 | Newborn

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   How... Did it come to this?! Irene wondered, as she sat opposite her father on a plush leather sofa situated in the midst of his office. Rudien crossed his legs, eyeing her like a hawk as if he was examining his next target.

Irene had no idea why, but her father suddenly appeared - or rather, interrupted her playtime and had taken her directly to his office. He carried her under his arm, in a clearly uncomfortable way for a baby, and then sat her down there wordlessly.

This is so suffocating... Irene wanted to sigh, but instead she stayed silent. Why is he just observing me like that...?

The man then furrowed his brows, and surveyed her with a rather frustrated look on his face. "You..." he said, causing Irene to flinch. She was so uncomfortable and frightened, tears were starting to swell in her baby eyes. Crap crap crap don't cry! Baby me don't cry!

Then, all of a sudden, a pair of large hands slipped under her arms, and with one swift motion, Rudien had lifted up his daughter into the air. His eyes fixated on her startled expression. Suddenly, she burst out crying.

Irene wailed, flailing her arms at him as she let out a shrill scream, and started to call out "Mama!" For the first time in her life. Her sudden outburst left him slightly agitated, but he didn't appear angry at her.

"I guess you don't remember who I am then."

Irene froze, at the audacity of this man.

The only time he saw her, his daughter, was the day she was born. Since then, she hadn't seen him even once, and he was expecting her to remember him after all that time?

Not to mention, she was still a baby.

OF COURSE I WOULDN'T REMEMBER THAT! If she was a normal baby, at least.

What is WRONG with this man?!

"Bleurr!! Ab gopo babu mamamaa!!" She yelled out, attacking his face and managing to land a solid hit on his perfect nose.

"Ack-" he winced, surprised by the sudden hit. "Why are you hitting me? I'm your father, you know."

Put me down you evil man!!! I want my mother!!!

Rudien then lowered his arms, with Irene held between them, as he heaved a sigh. He sat himself back down, propping his daughter into his lap and running a hand through his hair.

"'Spend some time with your daughter,' he says. What am I supposed to do with such a tiny thing that doesn't understand me?" Rudien muttered to himself, and Irene pouted at him. I can understand you, actually.

Ugh this damned father. Why can't he just ignore me as always?!

It seemed like this sudden whim of his was suggested by someone else. Perhaps it was his advisor or someone close to him. Rudien didn't seem like he wanted to be there with Irene either, but something about her drew his interest.

From the way she was looking at him, Rudien could tell she clearly didn't like him. But no matter how many times Irene tried to crawl off his lap, her father would pull her back. He trapped her there, using his giant hands and sturdy arms to his advantage.

Her constant attempts to run away from him intrigued him even more. It was like she wanted to get far away - perhaps because she was unfamiliar with him. But for him, her actions were rather amusing.

Eventually, Irene grew too tired to move, having exerted all her energy on trying to escape her father. She was so exhausted, that without realising, she had fallen asleep against his chest, trapped in his arms as he watched her tiny body clutch onto his loose white shirt.

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