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  "In other words, we can't seem to retrieve the stone," Rayvis' voice resounded through the holographic screen of magic, his face rippling with a grim expression as he explained the situation to the raven-haired mage on the other side. "The only way for it to move is if the spirit itself seeks her out, but we have no idea how to prompt it into doing that."

Placing the communication device delicately upon Irene's desk, River Alvenicht settled into the plush armchair positioned beside it. His spectacles glistened under the dim sunset light, and as he lifted a hand up to his chin in deep rumination, River began to process everything that was currently happening.

At present, Rayvis and his men were provided a place to stay in Pelto village. Despite the villagers' initial hostility towards outsiders, the knights were embraced solely because of their affiliation with House Cherliann.

Throughout generations, the Cherliann family had gained fame and reverence among the people of the silver lineage - since the First Saintess' name was carried by them. The village Elder at Pelto ensured his guests had the greatest hospitality served, out of respect for the distinguished family's accomplishments, as well as a desire to help them in their endeavours.

Still, underlying problems persisted. The presence of a potential traitor within their ranks loomed, whether it be a knight acting as a mole or a demon latched onto one of the men who was relaying information. The source of this threat remained undisclosed, but by exercising caution and remaining vigilant, they could avert the leakage of any critical information.

Right now, they needed to hurry and prioritise the stone. Irene's condition continued to deteriorate rapidly, with her mana levels fluctuating disproportionately. River had been exerting tremendous effort in order to constantly stabilise her - even resorting to spending sleepless nights watching her state.

"Is Snow with you?" River inquired, his tired eyes shifting towards the device displaying Rayvis' holographic visage, shimmering with mana.

"He is. We're all at an inn inside Pelto."

"Tell him to fly back here. I'll give him a few strands of Irene's hair, filled with her mana. There's a possibility that if the stone comes into contact with it, the spirit inside will react." River calmly issued his instructions. Although it was merely a speculation, it held the potential to unveil an answer. Time was rapidly slipping away, and they had to explore every possible avenue.

"Copy that! I'll be there by tonight!" He could hear Snow saying from the other side of the line, and sighed softly.

Thanks to his spiritual abilities, Snow possessed the remarkable capability to traverse countries and even continents within a matter of hours. He was like an advanced version of a messenger bird.

After concluding their reports, River ended the call and redirected his focus to Irene. She lay there in her giant bed, her fragile form imbued with an almost lifeless quality, resembling a doll. Thankfully, he discerned the faint rise and fall of her body with each breath, while the radiant golden glow from the magic circle that absorbed her boundless mana persisted, illuminating the surroundings.

At that moment, a knock echoed from the bedroom door, prompting River to turn his gaze towards it. He observed Sarah Cherliann entering with a distressed expression etched across her gentle features.

"...How is she doing?" The duchess asked, her voice filled with concern.

River, his eyes filled with both weariness and determination, glanced towards the bed. "She's stable for now. But she can't endure much longer in this state..."

Sarah's attention turned to her daughter, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. Her hand instinctively moved to gently touch her belly, where new life was growing. "She's strong... I have faith that she will find the strength to overcome this," Sarah's voice quivered, a blend of hope and raw emotion lacing her words. "Both of us are fighters. I'm fighting for the life growing inside me, and she's fighting for her own. We're in this together."

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