51 | Mirrored Blades

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   A lively, animated and joyous day had finally come to a nation with little to celebrate, ever since their late rulers passed away. The knights of Laydel paraded into the empire, horses and soldiers winding their way through the streets towards the center of the city. Thousands of people lined the route, cheering and singing in joy as they welcomed the brave and honorable defenders of their kingdom.

As Irene watched the returning soldiers from the upper floor of a grand restaurant owned by the Cherlianns, she felt elated - in awe of the knights and their shining armor. Her eyes followed the smiling faces of the exuberant crowd, gazing toward the leading figure who was cloaked in the red robe of victory. Rudien Alpheus Cherliann was like a tiny figure in the distance — and yet his regal demeanour was clearly recognizable to all those gathered.

"Long live the Empire of Laydel!" The people sang, as they threw a colourful variety of petals and spring flowers at the knights. Many people cried in joy, and all the spectacular emotions even caused Irene to sniffle a little.

Considering the war against Izadel was a small thing of the past in her original novel, Irene never imagined it would become this big of an event now that she was living through it. She remembered the soldiers who would often fawn over her when she was younger, and it was heartwarming to know they made it home safely thanks to her summoning Snow.

Mikael, who was stood closely beside her alongside Rayvis and Sarah, raised an eyebrow at the sight of Irene's tears. "What are you crying about? Shouldn't you be happy?"

Irene wiped at her face. "What are you talking about? I am happy, idiot." She sobbed, as Sarah chuckled and hugged her daughter from behind.

"It truly is a day filled with emotions! This reminds me of how much you cried when your father left." She teased, and Rayvis chuckled softly.

"Irene, you shouldn't show that face to him. He might end up murdering all the knights because you cried for them~"

Those words instantly caused Irene to suck up her tears. That wasn't even a joke, Rayvis. Knowing Rudien, he would definitely do that.

Today was a much brighter and warmer day than Irene had expected it to be — a feeling of happiness welling up inside her  as she watched the knights ride in. For the first time since before the war, she felt her home was finally going to be as lively as it always was. Irene looked forward to all the soldiers returning to their base — the knight's training grounds had been so quiet for the last three years.

The Cherlianns watched the parade from their place of honor, a large table in the restaurant's finest dining room. Many of the highest-ranking nobles were there, as were a few of the empire's most dignified ministers and military officers. They had come here to get a good view of the parade, to cheer for the knights and watch as they rode by.

Even Ivan and Haren were there, sitting at the table with their mother and father — the Duke and Duchess of Firventia. Irene tried desperately to ignore the constant attempts of Carla - her etiquette teacher, calling her over so that she could mingle with her sons. It seemed she was unaware that things were awkward between Irene and the twins right now.

Not to mention, Isabella wasn't here — and Irene didn't really want to talk with them without her presence. It's childish of me, but I really don't want to without Isabella here...

Mikael seemed rather nonchalant toward the loud and celebratory atmosphere, but this was nothing unusual. It was no surprise that the nobles here were eyeing him in curiosity, which made it suffocating since all their attention was directed right toward the Prince.

Although it didn't seem to bother him much, Irene felt uncomfortable in his stead, and tried to keep him close by, blocking him from the people's line of sight with the help of Rayvis. Irene was impressed that even he was able to notice what she was trying to do.

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