11 | Little Sprout

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   "Have you heard? They say that Izadel has declared war against Laydel..."

"What?! Are they idiots? They've been trying to invade for six years now, and have failed each time. Do they really think they can win this?"

"I highly doubt they'd be able to. After all, we have Duke Cherliann on our side..."

It seems the talks of war are finally starting... Irene thought, as she hid behind the wall of the corridor to listen to the maids talking. Their conversations were always a reliable source of information, as long as she listened from a safe distance.

A few months passed, and the winter cold had started to give way for spring. Irene was currently on her way to her next lesson, with a teacher hired recently by Rudien to educate her about the world. However, because she herself was the one who orchestrated the entire novel and empire of Laydel, there wasn't much for her to learn. Irene already knew all there was to know about the nation, and even it's history.

I went really in-depth with the world building, back when I plotted the story...

Still, she had to pretend to be as oblivious as any five-year-old child was. But since her teacher saw through her inner genius, he probably wouldn't have been surprised if she did come in to lesson knowing everything he wanted to teach.

Once the maids had walked on, Irene made her way toward the door of her study room - which had recently been prepared as her mother requested. Since the Duke was hardly at home these days, always occupied with the military and oncoming preparations for war, he left all the ducal matters to his wife. And Sarah had proven a very adept leader as she managed the house and servants.

Irene entered the study, smiling at her teacher as she closed the door behind her. "I apologise for the lateness, Sir River." She bowed politely, as she faced the long-haired man leaning against the desk with a book between his fingers.

"That's alright, Milady," he said, his expression unsmiling and nonchalant, as usual. He then shut the book in his lean and delicate hands, setting it aside as Irene got into her seat. "Then, let us begin today's lesson."

Irene's teacher, River Alvenicht was a talented and handsome young man that had been handpicked by Rudien himself, to educate the young miss of Cherliann. Despite the fact that he was only seventeen, the male was praised as a prodigy. Since he unlocked a strong affinity for magic from a young age, he studied under the tower of magic in Laydel, as a mage in training.

But River was already so far ahead in his classes, that he was permitted to do his own research and even sought after as a teacher by many nobleman for their children.

This individual was actually an important figure in the original novel. He was the third son of Marquess Alvenicht - a close supporter and distant relative of Duke Atlan, as well as Isabella's magic teacher when she entered House Einfred. Irene never imagined he would be hired here, but she was more than happy to have him. River was the kind of character that was trustworthy, skilled and reliable - an asset to have around.

Not to mention, he's eye candy!

As Irene watched him write out a mathematical equation on the chalk board, she noticed his long, slick black hair was tied up into a ponytail today, held in place by a thin ribbon. The silver frames of his glasses glinted in the light, before he turned around to face her with a pair of inky black eyes. The little beauty spot adoring his left cheek became concealed by his long bangs, as he gently tilted his head and crossed his slender arms.

He's beautiful today too... Irene happily thought to herself, but the look on her face made her cogitations appear far too obvious.

River sighed, adjusting his glasses. After spending four months as her teacher, this was nothing new to him. She was the type to display her thoughts on her face rather easily. "So, Miss Irene. Can you tell me what the answer to this-"

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