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  "...Where exactly am I right now?"

A gentle breeze caressed the meadow, ruffling Irene's hair as she stood in its midst. Theodore observed her with admiration as she posed her question, her eyes ablaze with curiosity and determination.

His smile radiated warmth, a silent affirmation of his appreciation for her unwavering pursuit of understanding.

"Right now, we are standing in the midst of the Realm of Spirits," Theodore explained, his voice carrying a sense of reverence. "I'm sure you're familiar with it, since you were able to summon a spirit yourself at the mere age of five."


Irene's mind spun in a whirlwind of awe and trepidation. Her eyes widened, almost in sheer disbelief.

"So, you're saying... This is the spirit realm? The very place Snow originates from?!"

Theodore chuckled softly, his head bobbing in affirmation. His sapphire eyes sparkled, accentuated by the delicate fringe of his upturned lashes. "Exactly that."

Irene stood frozen, her eyes locked on Theodore in disbelief. The concept of the spirit realm — a world she had imagined and written about in her previous life, now manifesting before her — seemed unfathomable. In her mind, it had always been a place reserved for spirits, where ethereal beings like Snow found their home.

It was a realm beyond that of mortals, a place where souls journeyed and enigmas flourished. Irene had never considered the possibility of humans venturing into this mystical domain, not even when she wrote her book. In her perception, it was a realm solely accessible to ethereal spirits like Snow.

And now, she stood within it.

Her gaze swept across the panoramic vista, the endless sea and skies, the vibrant meadow, and the tranquil beauty that enveloped her. It all made sense now—the surreal quality, the magical essence that permeated every inch of this place.

"...I don't understand..." Her voice almost a whisper, Irene turned back to Theodore with a flicker of anxiety across her pupils. "How did I arrive here? If I'm not dead... how is it possible for me to be in a world like this?"

Theodore's gaze softened, reflecting empathy and understanding. He took a step closer to Irene, his voice gentle and reassuring. "Irene, I understand that this may be overwhelming. The journey that brought you here is complex, so I will do my best to explain it to you."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "You see, the boundaries between our worlds are not always rigid. There are rare occurrences when individuals like yourself can find themselves crossing over into the spirit realm without the ties of death. It is a phenomenon that defies conventional understanding."

Irene's anxiety remained palpable, her eyes still reflecting a flicker of unease. She wanted answers, a logical explanation that could make sense of her current predicament. Theodore reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, providing a grounding touch.

"Irene... Right now, you are in the middle of your awakening."

Irene's eyes widened in surprise as Theodore's words washed over her. A sense of recognition glazed her eyes.

"I'm... Awakening?"

Theodore nodded. From the look in her eyes, he could tell she needed no explanation for what that meant. Though her nerves remained frayed, Irene's gaze fell to the grass in deep thought.

"I see... I think I'm beginning to understand."

Since the tender age of five, Irene had been aware of her unique connection to powerful magic. It was this affinity that had allowed her to summon Snow in the first place, a strong spirit among his kind. In this world, only those with a strong enough affinity for magic were capable of fishing out such grand spirits from the summoner's stones.

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