☞ ︎Dinner Decisions ☜︎

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POV: Kokichi

It's been another hour or two with Maki, and surprisingly it was fun... I know right..? It was weird as she kept sounding concerned every time I almost fell asleep then played it off as something else.. but it was nice and calm.. we played in the game room for a bit longer before dinner and headed to the dining hall a few minutes later.. everyone looked shocked seeing the two of us having a conversation when we entered- well more like Maki saying she enjoyed hanging out and me agreeing with her (shocking I know). It was set up just like earlier with everyone sitting around my lunch seat, except Kaito was across from me and Maki was now sitting on the right of me, Shumai still at my left. Meal times are gonna kill me now aren't they?

POV: No one

Kokichi and Maki sat down continuing their conversation as everyone looked amazed they could have a conversation without trying to kill each other.
After a few minutes Kirumi came out with drinks for everyone, and 15 bottles of panta for Kokichi to keep him awake. Shuichi took the moment to speak up, "So did you two have fun today..?" he asked looking at Kokichi and Maki. Maki whispered to Kokichi that he could go ahead and eat and she'll talk for him, obviously seeing how he barely spoke when they were talking moments ago. "Yes we did, it was a bit hard at first seeing as he was extremely exhausted and almost fell asleep a few times, but I took him to the game room and we had fun, he was able to focus on the game and didn't fall asleep during any of the games so I'd say it worked out well." Maki responded hearing everyone left out a breathe they didn't realize they were holding in seeing it worked out well. Maki looked at Kokichi and everyone thought of an older sister looking at her younger brother, needless to say, it was wholesome. Kokichi noticed Maki looking at him and smiled slightly at her, making it all the more wholesome. But it couldn't stay wholesome, as things needed to be discussed. "So who's going to watch the gremlin now? I for one say Space Idiot should seeing as earlier the gremlin was fine sitting next to him." Miu voiced her opinion actually making sense for a change. Mumbles of agreements were heard as Kokichi just looked confused as to what you were talking about. "Ya know what I'll do it!" Kaito replied ready for the challenge! But for now... let's just enjoy dinner while Kokichi is able to actually stay awake to eat and converse with the two people actually able to keep him awake.

𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜:
So what do you guys think will happen after dinner with Kaito and Kokichi? Will Kaito figure out anything new? Will there be a new friendship? Or will Kokichi snap? Leave your thoughts in the comments...
Until next time...

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