Thanks for being there

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                      Trisha's POV

Everything went really well in th holidays. I enjoyed my days thoroughly. After what I unintentionally eavesdropping Shawn's conversation with his grandma, I distanced myself from him, even though I know I should not do it. I mean I also want him to be just friends but it still felt bad. Though my volunteering days in the hospital paid off really well. I got to learn so much and it was a real nice experience and something really good to add to my college application. Hope I will be able to enter med school just as I wish and can fulfill my parents' dreams.

School opened exactly after a month and with that stared our hectic schedule. Soon we will have our final terms, so now we have to study even harder. A week went by with all the hassle and then that day came.

Today is the day, 2nd February, the day I dread the most. The day I always run from. The horrible day to my life, my parents' death anniversary

For the last three years I have been avoiding people this day. I skipped school for three years straight as I was not ready to face anyone or to show my most vulnerable side.
But today I will go to school not because I am okay now or I have become any less vulnerable. That might take a long time for me to do. But I will go today for my family. For the last three years my family has been waiting for me to come down and face them. They want to see that I am trying, so today I will.
For the last 3 years I used to be in my room and come out only after they all left for their respective work. At night also I try my best to not come in contact with them. Mom would come to my room to put my breakfast and dinner at the table and leave to give me some space.
But that's it. I no longer want to make them feel gloomy just because I don't have the courage to face it. I will go to school like any normal day.

I did all my morning chores and went to have breakfast with my family.

"Good morning everyone".
I could tell by their faces that they were shocked as well as concerned about me. But I want them to be relaxed not worried.

"Where is Amanda?" I asked.

They came out of their shock zone and replied," Good morning dear. Amanda has left early for her cheerleading practice."

"Oh. Okay. I guess I have to go to school alone then."

"School? Are you sure Trisha. It's okay if you don't want to," dad said concerned laced in his voice.

"I am fine dad. Trust me. I can't do this all my life,right? I will attend my classes. Both of you, you don't have to worry much. Now I am starving please can I have my breakfast"

"Sure. I will get it for you, " said mom.

We had our breakfast in silence with mom and dad stealing glances at each other. I knew they were talking worried about me.

"Okay guys I will meet you in the evening. Bye".

"Call us if you have any issue, okay?" said dad.

"Sure. Love you both. Bye."

"Love you too".

I released my breath that I was holding. Maybe I can do it. No! I will do it. When I checked my phone I had messages from Sam, Sarah and Jeremy. They all know about today and how I feel about it. I didn't reply them though, thinking I would call them in the evening even though I don't think I will be able to.

I reached school but didn't interact with anyone. I went straight to my literature class thinking how Amanda would react only to find that she was skipping the class for her practice session.

I sat at the very end so that Shawn would not be able to sit next to me as  I was in no mood to talk to him. I couldn't.
The whole time I was almost zoned out. The moment the bell rang, I went to my other class giving Shawn no chance to talk to me.

What the!!!!!! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora