My Birthday

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                        Trisha's POV

After the engagement, the next few days went in a blur with all the assignments and tests. School days were hectic. Right now I am in my bedroom waiting for my family to come and greet me exactly at 12.

Yes, you guessed it right it's my birthday after few minutes and as Cooper family tradition my family must be preparing everything in waiting for the clock to struck 12.

Exactly at 12 my parents and Amanda came with the chocolate cake and wished me happy birthday. I cut the cake and fed them.

After that mum and dad give me my birthday present. It was a cute necklace with pictures of mine papa and mum and dad in it. Tears filled in my eyes after seeing the gift and I hug them then we had a group hug. Amanda told me that she would arrange my birthday party as a present. She told me that she knows that I don't want a big party so she would arrange it in the house with my friends and some of hers and I agreed. She told me that she would do everything from inviting the friends and everything else. I wanted to tell her to invite Shawn too but thought that she might take it in a wrong way, so I didn't. Plus I had a feeling that she would invite him anyway. At least I can hope she will. I wanted him to be here. He has been nice to me since the start and wanted to be my friend but it's me who is being impossible.

She told me that the party would start at 6:30 and I can tell my friends if I want to. I got call from all my friends to wish me and I got a call from grandpa Max (Dad's father) too and then I slept with a smile on my face.

In the morning mom prepared my favourite breakfast. I told her not to do that much but she said it's my birthday and I deserve it.

Amanda offer to drive me school with the promise that she would be careful.

At school my friends, Max and Alex, were already waiting for me at the gate. The moment they saw me they give me a bone crushing hug and wished me.

"Happy sweet 16 girl, "they both shouted with so much excitement.

"Thanks guys", I said and "ya be at my house at 6:30 sharp where having a small party just few people".

"Well, I am always ready for a party, " said Max. "If you haven't told about the party I would have dragged you to the nearest cafe for your birthday treat. "

"Now I have, so don't be late and let's get inside, "I said.

We entered the literature class and I took my seat.

"Happy Birthday to the best tutor, "came a  voice from beside.

"Thanks student. I wish I could say the best student but alas you are not the best, "I replied controlling my smile.

"ha ha ha, not funny, I am a great student, "Shawn replied.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, " I said.

Before he could give a reply, Mr Fritz entered and started the class.

The whole day at school went well. When we returned home, Amanda told me to be at my room and not come outside till she does all the preparations. So, I took my lunch with me and spend the whole afternoon in my room doing my homework as I am not gonna get time because of the party in the evening. Birthday or not studies are important.

In the evening all my friends,well four of them came and surprisingly Amanda did invite Shawn. Well Ali and Sasha too came but it was obvious that Amanda would invite them. I was happy to see Shawn. He is not my friend but he is someone close.

"Happy birthday girl, " said Sarah and hugged me and then Sam did the same.

"We have already wished you but Happy Birthday again, " said Alex and hugged me and Max jumped to join.

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