It wasn't easy, nevertheless

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                        Trisha's POV

After Valentine's day our whole focus shifted to prepare for our final exams. It was too hectic. Everyone was trying really hard to have good grades.
Shawn even asked me to help him with Chemistry and if possible clear doubts from other subjects as well. I agreed as teaching someone else really helps in getting your concepts straight.
We decided to study at his house. I tutored him for a whole month straight and finally our exam time came.
The questions were not that tough and tutoring Shawn actually helped. I had all the concepts at my fingertips. Even Shawn did good in all exams, atleast he said so.

"Yes! finally the exams are over," Max exclaimed with so much relief.

Alex and I chuckled at him and I said," yaa now we have to worry about the results."

"Come on girl! Don't give me headache saying those things. The only thing we have to worry now is what we are gonna wear to the prom."

"Well our definition of worry is really different."

"He is right Trisha," this time even Alex joined him.

"It's after a week. We will see."

"Hey Tri, You remember the promise that I took from you few months back when we're talking about prom and everything.

The promise, yes. How could I forget about it. So, few months back we were at the cafeteria talking about random stuff when suddenly our conversation shifted to prom. I was not that eager about it because of new school and everything. So, Max asked me if he won't find anyone to got to the prom, I had to go with him as I was not interested in going anyway, so why not help a friend.

"Yes, I remember it clearly."

"You have no one to take," Alex asked shocked.

"Nope. Well I tried but couldn't find anyone worthy," said Max.

"Worthy of you," Alex eyed him judgingly.

"I will go with you Max. No one has asked me anyway, so there is no problem."

"Seriously," Alex and Max looked shocked.

"Yaaa. Why such expressions."

"Must be the look she carries."

No! It surely must be because of what she did to Trevor," they bothe started guessing the reason.

"Enough guys and Max shouldn't you be happy that no one asked me. Now you have a partner."

"That's true too," Max said.

"Okay, so I am going home. I will have a good sleep coz I know Amanda is gonna pester me about the preparations of prom," I felt tired only imagining it. God save me.

I said goodbyes and we all left to our respective ways.

Shawn's POV

After the amazing Valentine's day celebration,  I had to focus on my studies. I had to get good grades as I had been made the captain of my soccer team, so it was more important for me to show that I could manage both the things easily.
As I was preparing for a strategy on how I would study, I mean making a schedule, habit of being in the soccer team. Oops. So, yes while I was making my schedule I came up with a really great idea of killing two birds with one stone. I asked Trisha to help me with Chemistry and doubts of other subjects as well. That way I could get a good hold on all concepts and would get chance to spend some more time with Trisha. She agreed and tutored me for a whole month and damn it worked like magic. She has such a way of teaching that you can get everything. I did a great job in my exams and she did too. Well that was kinda obvious but still.

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