Oh God! That's why?

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                       Shawn's POV

Right after the prom night

Next day I spent the whole day in bed. I wasn't feeling doing anything. Thankfully I had the excuse of my exams being over and the tiredness from the prom, so my parents didn't ask me much.

She turned me down. She thought me just as a friend. Did I mess up? Should I have not confessed? I was having these questions now. What if she would stop talking to me or anything. I couldn't afford that too but what could I do? Just go to her house and talk it out, simple. My inner voice gives good advice time to time but still I couldn't just show up at her doorstep just one day after getting rejected. So, I decided to go there the next day.

Next day I prepared my myself mentally to have the talk with Trisha. I went to her house and rang the bell and Amanda opened the door.

I don't know where were my manners as I didn't even greet Amanda and said, " Hey is Trisha home?"

"Hello to you too. I am fine. Thank you," Amanda said sarcastically.

"I am so sorry. Hy," I quickly apologized.

"And as for the question you asked no. She left for India early this morning."


"For someone you seems so close to her, you don't know things," she was just joking but taking the situation I was in, it wasn't funny.

"It must have slipped my mind. I remember her telling me about her visit to India I just forgot about the date."

"Anyway just come in. I was about to call you."

"Why," I asked.

"Well our exams are over. We are free till the next session starts. Everyone is going somewhere. Even I will be going to my uncle's house, so we thought to have a meet up before that. I called everyone. You were the only one left. Glad you came yourself."

I was a little hesitant but I knew I couldn't win with Amanda, so I followed her inside. After some time everyone came infact Jeremy came too. He saw me and came to to me and asked," hey you okay?"

"Yaa I am fine," I lied. "Let's not talk about that. Everyone is here."


Everyone was having fun, chit chatting and then there was me who had to pretend like what a great day it was. I was about to tell Amanda that I was leaving when she told me to get her phone from her room.

I went upstairs and get in the first room and just by looking at it one could tell it was Trisha's. A book shelf, a study table with family photographs. It screamed Trisha. I was about to leave when I noticed her diary at her study table.

I knew I shouldn't have even laid hand on it let alone read it but the urge was too strong. Maybe it was some conspiracy from above to turn me into a creep. I went on with my urge and started searching the last pages. I remembered Trisha telling me how she writes only important events and I wanted to know whether what happened at the prom was even something important to her or not.

I found a heading at the last page stating ' It was hard, nevertheless' with the date of the prom night. So she thought it was important enough. I will say it again I knew it was wrong but still I started reading it.

" Dear diary"
It was about the preparation and all about the prom in the start. Then I came to the part where she started telling about what happened between us.
"Everything was going so smooth. The party was on its full swing and everyone was enjoying. I had my first dance with Max and I went to have some water when Shawn came to ask for the dance I promised. He put forward his hand but starting taking me away from the hall. I asked him jokingly if he wanted to kill me to which he told me to wait and see. He took me to the playground and at the bleachers there was some decorations done. It was not too much but was looking beautiful. When I asked about it he simply said he wanted our dance to be special. I was surprised but happy inside. I didn't say anything and he played the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran. We started dancing and enjoying each other's company. It was so pleasant. He evn added the song Euphoria by BTS among the three songs. It was so considerate of him. The songs stopped and Shawn looked at me with seriousness in his eyes and he proposed me. He proposed me to be his girlfriend. He said so many sweet things about how he found me attractive and intriguing the moment he first saw me in the parking lot to everything. Hearing that from him made me feel blissful and happy but it was short lived."

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