015. 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝘀𝘆

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AFTER PLACING THE heavy box of books down on the floor next to the history teacher's desk, she felt her shoulder slumped down slightly and her eyes wandered to her wrists, which were already red.

she didn't mind it that much though, she faced much worse before when she just started to skate, falling every single time and waking up with an aching body and new bruises.

the lunch bell had already rung a few seconds after she placed the box down. she was happy that class was over, she was exhausted anyway. she marched forward and opened the door only to see that the boy from earlier was still there.

"hey." he called with a smile on his face. "hi! why are you still here?" she asked, returning the smile.

he shrugged. "i was wondering if you want to have lunch together," he trailed off as they walked side by side. "oh, yes sure of course!" y/n chirped which caused the boy to chuckle.

they walked towards the school garden, which was less crowded compared to the cafeteria. izuki had their own table with the rest of the basketball team, but he didn't feel like hanging with them today.

she sipped on her carton of milk she got from the vending machine while her chocolate bun was rested in her lap, still unopened.

"will you be full with just that?" izuki, who was eating his packed lunch, questioned while pointing at the bun on the girl's lap. she nodded slowly.

"what type of flowers do you like?" the boy asked out of nowhere as he watched the flowers fall from the tree in the school garden.

flowers? it's not like she knows any, besides the basic ones like rose, daisies, dandelions and sunflowers. she contemplated for a minute before answering.

"daisies. i like daisies." she smiled and placed her milk on the bench, before her hands start unwrapping her bun, supposedly her lunch.

"daisies? is it because they remind you of younger days where you didn't have a single worry in the world?" he suggested, eyes staring at her.

what? there are such things? do flowers really represented something more than just a flower? heck. this isn't what they learnt in physics, or was it biology? damn, this guy is really something.

"no, not really. i just think they're simple and pretty, but not everyone notices their beauty, you know?" she responded before taking a bite out of her lunch. he nodded his head and a small laugh escaped his lips.

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