The girl that makes my Heart Float

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Y/n's POV

It's been a year Sense I left my father I have a mouth ti'll the UA exams. I'm in the forest taking out the trees with punches and kicks. After about four hours of training I decide to take a break.

Y/n: *huff* *huff* huh?

I see a bunch of trees floating in the air

Y/n: that is... odd.

I begin to walk where they seem to be floating at as I get closer I hear huffing and when I get there I see a beautiful brunette girl with a permanent blush

I begin to walk where they seem to be floating at as I get closer I hear huffing and when I get there I see a beautiful brunette girl with a permanent blush

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( not my art and that's what she's wearing)

She seems to be huffing like I was a minute ago I decided to talk to hear it might be nice to socialise.

???: release.

Y/n: hey there.

???: oh no!

Suddenly all the trees starting falling around I have to run around dodging all the trees. It seems they have stop but one more almost land on me but the trees annoyed me enough to grab it.

???: oh my gosh are you ok!?

Y/n: yeah I'm fine *throws tree to the side* so what's your name.

???: oh yeah I'm Ochacko Uraraka, you?

Y/n: y/n yagi.

Uraraka: wait yagi? As in All might!?!?

Y/n: dame, yeah the rabbit with the teeth job is my old man.

Uraraka: you've been missing for a year what have been doing.

Y/n: what does it look like, training.

Uraraka: where have you been.

Y/n: everywhere.

Uraraka: everywhere?

Y/n: well everywhere in the city.

Uraraka: why you did you leave.

(Flash back)

All might: you can't become a hero.

(Flash back ends)

Y/n: (I'll show him) I don't want to talk about. So what's your story.

Uraraka: well as you probably saw with the trees i can make things float and I want to become a hero.

Y/n: floating huh that's pretty neat. Any Pacific reasons for you wanting to be hero.

Uraraka: well... uhh I kinda did it for the money I-I KNOW THAT SOUD-

Y/n: for your family right?

Uraraka: how did you know?

Y/n: you have that look in your eyes, it shows that you care for people especially your friends and family.

Uraraka: wow...

Y/n: also your too cute to be selfish.

Uraraka: (Extreme blush) W-WHAT!?

Y/n: (medium blush) s-sorry kinda let that one slip out. So can you control how far something floats.

Uraraka: y-yeah why.

Y/n: I kinda wanted to float.

Uraraka: oh sure But I won't be able to get us down.

Y/n: that's alright you can leave that to me.

Uraraka then touches my shoulder the her's and we begin floating and before I know it we're above the trees and I can see the magnificent view.

Uraraka then touches my shoulder the her's and we begin floating and before I know it we're above the trees and I can see the magnificent view

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Uraraka: wow this view is amazing.

I turn to her and said
Y/n: yeah it's beautiful.

I saw she was gonna turn to face me but turn back to the city in time.

*stomach rumbling*

Uraraka: oh sorry I guess I didn't have much to eat this morning.

Y/n: oh well I've got some snacks in my back pat.

Uraraka: well aright, how exactly are we gonna get down.

Y/n: all you have to do is hold on tight.

Uraraka: hold on to wh-

I cut her as I hold her bridal style

Y/n: just do what you need to.

Uraraka: (big blush) y-you sure.

Y/n: positive.

Uraraka: alright, release!

Then we started falling



Thanks to my quirk I was able keep us safe when we landed creating a big crater.

Uraraka: wow i'm guessing that was a perk to being all might's son.

Y/n: something like that, now how about those snacks.

Uraraka: YAYYYY!

I get the snacks and She seems surprise that there sweets

Uraraka: oh wow sweets.

Y/n: surprised?

Uraraka: sorta you just didn't seem like a sweets type of guy.

Y/n: of course who doesn't like sweets.

After we filled up on sweets we chatted for hours and I think I had the most fun I've had in a long while she then how late it is.

Uraraka: oh no I need to get back to my parents. I had fun today yagi we should do again sometime.

Y/n: me to and totally also you can call me y/n.

Uraraka: aright bye.

Y/n: see you around.

When she left I let out a happy sigh

Y/n: *happy sigh* I think I'm in love.

Son of All might season 1 (Uraraka x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now