Here comes a thought

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Y/n's POV

It's been a day after everyone visited and i was able to leave the hospital and when I'm outside I see that's it's heavily raining and extremely cloudy.

Y/n: of course.

Despite that rain I go out without the umbrella sense it would just be a waist of time. I'm walking down the street and I run into uraraka with a umbrella.

Uraraka: y/n? Hey when did you get out?

Y/n: oh hey uraraka, I got out just today.
I say with a monotone voice.

Uraraka: hey are you ok? You look sad.

Y/n: I'm fine it's just...after everything at USJ it's brought some painful memories back and I just felt like I needed to visit my mom.

Uraraka: I understand actually no I don't, I have no Idea how it feels to lose a parent especially right in front of you. I'm sorry for everything you've had to go through. Do you...want me to join you?

Y/n: thanks uraraka but I need to do this on my own.

Uraraka: alright, I'll see you at school, bye.

Y/n: yeah see you around.

I continue on my way to my mothers grave and I hear mumbles from the few people outside.

Guy: hey kid you good?

I just ignore him and keep walking. After about a few minutes of walking I make it to the cemetery. When I about half way to her grave i see dad in his weak form, neither of us say anything nor make I contact and there's a long silence until dad says something.

Dad: Your punishment for killing him is that you have to go through this alone.

He says in a sad tone

Y/n: I thought as much.

Then I we walk pass each other and now I'm finally in front of her grave.

Y/n: H-Hey mom I know *deep breath* it's been a while sense I last visited and I'm sorry it just hurt too much. I killed your killer and took back your name.

Tears begin to stream down my face and my lips begin to quiver as my emotions become harder to control.

Y/n: I know you wanted me to become "the best hero" but how can even call my myself a hero after what I've done.

I take more deep breaths in a failing attempt to maintain my emotions.


I fall to my knees completely losing control of my emotions.

Y/n: I enjoyed it, it felt good, It felt good seeing him beaten and helpless, it felt great looking at my Fists and seeing them covered in his blood! It felt amazing seeing him turn into a bloody red paste!

Even my quirk is out of control at this point, as my pupils begin to fade slightly to the point from a distance it looks like I have pure white eyes.

Y/n: I would do it all over again, over and over and no matter how hard I try to get those thoughts out of my head they always come back! I even called myself a demon! At first it was just instinct but now I'm actually starting to believe it! I-I've failed you! Dad was right I shouldn't be a hero! I'm so sorry!"

I then spend the next few minutes crying until I feel a gentle warmth wrap around almost like a hug and given my emotional state I can't help but to lean into it more. I begin to calm down a little but it still hurts, but the pain goes away when I hear a familiar song sang by a very familiar woman's voice

Woman's voice: ~take a moment, remind yourself   to take a moment and find yourself. Take a moment to ask yourself if this is how we fall apart, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not~ it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, you've got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear I'm here, I'm here, I'm here~

Woman's voice: You are no monster, you're human never forget that.

And just as quickly as it appeared the voice disappeared while the warm feeling still stayed.

"Thank you...


(A/n: and that is that the first part of Son of all might is done and don't worry I will be realising a book covering season two and you can read it by heading over to my account until then, have a nice one. Also just incase the song written by Rebecca sugar and sang by AJ Michalka and Estelle

Son of All might season 1 (Uraraka x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now