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It was spring when Charlie had had enough. Tango was sniffing her favourite tree when he approached Bella.

"All right, that's it." Charlie slammed the truck door which Bella had just opened.

Bella didn't even look bothered, giving her dad the same bored look she had for months. Only replying since she knew he wouldn't leave. "What?"

"You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother." Tango sniffed around their feet tail wagging, for the first time in months Bella made eye contact with her dog. The animal didn't judge Bella which she was eternally thankful for, so what if she still loved Edward? People always said your first love is the hardest to get over.

"I'm not leaving Forks." Bella stubbornly replied, but her voice was still monotone. If she left and Edward came back... it would destroy her if she wasn't here. Her chance at happiness gone because she would be sunbathing with her mother in Florida.

Charlie's head tilted in understanding, "Bells, he's not coming back."

"I know." Bella always hoped, Charlie reminding her that he remembered him too convinced Bella that she wasn't crazy. All her pictures of him were gone, her memories were the only thing she had left of him. And after a while, even those began to fade.

"It's just not normal, this behavior." Charlie shook his head and Tango rubbed her head against his thigh, "Quite frankly, it's scaring the hell out of me and your mother. Baby, I don't want you to leave. I don't, but just go. Go to Jacksonville, make some new friends."

"I like my old friends." The girl didn't look her father in the eyes as she spoke.

Charlie let out a light scoff, "Well, you never see them anymore."

"I do." Bella thought of a lie to stop her father from sending her away, "I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow with Jessica."

"You hate shopping," the father rebutted.

"I... I need a girls' night out." Tango knew Bella was lying, Charlie knew Bella was lying, and Bella knew Bella was lying.

Charlie's brows raised, "All right. Girls' night. Shopping. I like it. Go buy some stuff.

Bella raised her brows and opened the truck door, chucking her bag in. Charlie closed the door on his daughter and pulled an eager Tango back, she just wanted a car ride. Bella nodded and smiled at the two which Charlie thought was good enough, calling for Tango he made his way inside.

The dog immediately jumped up on the sofa, Charlie scoffed under his breath, Tango was getting way too comfortable on the furniture all the time. There wasn't a place in the house which now wasn't covered in dog fur, German Shepherds have a double thick coat for extreme temperatures which made for a lot of fur; hence a lot of shedding.

And even if since Bella had been home he'd been more relaxed with the commands at home, it didn't stop Tango's efficiency at work which is why it didn't bother him that much. Besides, she had the cutest puppy eyes and always flopped one ear over, how could Charlie ever say no to that face.

Bella had started to hang out with Jacob. For weeks now the sad smell had slowly gotten less and less on the Swan property, sometimes Bella even took Tango with her when she wasn't on duty with Charlie.

Embry had quickly become one of Tango's favourite people. He always brought her treats and played with her when he was there, leaving Jacob and Bella to their flirty-but-not-flirty relationship. The boy liked to talk to the dog too, he found that they were better listeners. Not to mention that dogs were great for any anxiety which was scientifically proven.

But even Jacob couldn't keep the nightmares away.

Tango was chewing on her squishy carrot when the screaming started. The dog followed Charlie upstairs and if dogs could frown, she did.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Charlie came into the room whisper-shouting at his daughter, gently holding her shoulders, "Wake up, Bella." The daughter woke up yelling which Charlie quickly shushed her, it was good all noise complaints went to him. "You're okay. You're okay," he assured, Bella panted as she leant up on her elbows, Charlie stroked her hair lightly, "I thought this thing was starting to work, but I guess not," he gestured to the dream catcher which had been an eighteenth birthday present from Jacob.

"Can I ask you something? Hanging out with Jacob, that seems to take your mind off things a bit, doesn't it?" Bella didn't speak but nodded small to the question. "You know, sometimes you gotta learn to love what's good for you. You know what I mean?" The chief wasn't usually that deep with his daughter. The girl looked up at him and Charlie clucked his tongue, "Of course, what do I know? I'm just a terminal bachelor. Famous ladies' man," his sentences were sarcastic but Bella understood the point anyway. "Okay," Charlie pulled the covers over his daughter slightly, "Tango is gonna stay in here and I'm gonna go to bed. Uh... I love you."

Charlie patted Bella's bed as an invitation for the dog to jump up which she didn't waste. Her human pointed at her, "stay." If he didn't say the command Charlie had no doubt the damn dog would end up crawling into his bed before dawn. Tango huffed but complied, she got more comfortable on the bed which involved laying down next to Bella and resting her head on the girls.

The human didn't seem to mind the comfort from her dog as she cuddled closer, listening to Tango's heartbeat. Bella realised then that even if she'd been completely neglectful to her dog the past few months, Tango would never stop loving her. It wasn't fair or right, it did make Bella feel slightly guilty but nothing could be done about the past, she could only behave better in the future.

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