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"Okay, we should be back around three." Charlie said to his daughter, fully tacked up in his fishing gear with Harry Clearwater behind him, "Remember Tango isn't coming, she needs to get a shot at the vets so remember to take her please, just drop in at any time and it should only take fifteen minutes or so." Bella was still facing away so Charlie took on a gentler tone, "Hey. Look, I don't have to go fishing today."

"Yes, you do." Harry spoke from behind.

Bella nodded facing her dad now, leaning against the counter, "Yeah, you do. Go. What are you talking about?" Charlie scratched his ear awkwardly but Bella wasn't done, "Just be careful."

"Always am." The chief walked around picking up his gear, kissing Tango's forehead quickly.

"Those bears won't get the drop on me, Bella." Harry stepped forward, "My kung fu is strong."

Harry and Charlie said goodbye but Tango wasn't really paying attention as she chewed her squishy carrot. Bella finished her coffee and walked over to the silly German Shepherd on the couch. Tango's fur had gotten exceptionally long so maybe whilst they were at the Vets they could give her a quick trim, Bella wouldn't mind waiting.

"What do you say we go get your shot done then go see Jacob, huh?" Bella asked squatting down on Tango's level. The dog dropped the carrot from her mouth and barked, the girl smiled and kissed her nose before jumping up and grabbing her coat.

"Let's go, Tango!" Bella called out and the dog came obediently. Bella didn't bother with the leash and opened the door to the truck, Tango hopped in sitting up front. Her human rolled down the window for her. The dog stuck her head out the window sniffing everything she could, German Shepherds have one of the strongest sense of smell for a dog so it was no wonder they were always trained as trackers or used as police dogs.

Tango didn't enjoy her shot one bit, but she was very well behaved due to Bella. The vet was very thankful that the police dog was so well trained, usually they have to hold them down whilst even if Tango whined, she didn't snap at the vet like other dogs. For an extra twenty dollars, they'd taken thirty minutes more to cut her hair.

Tango looked much happier without all the heavy fur on her body and wasn't even thinking about the shot as she got back in the truck. She really liked sitting up front, why Charlie never lets her she had no idea.

It was probably no more than a half an hour drive from the vets in forks to the reservation. In that time Bella got lost in her thoughts about why Jacob wasn't replying to her and Tango simply enjoying the ride.

It was raining heavily as they pulled up, Tango loving it keeping her head further out the window. Bella got out the car and slammed the door before Tango could hop out, so the dog being a dog and wanting to follow her owner, she jumped through the open window into the mud. The agility training courses had come in handy.

"Jake!" Bella yelled out into the rain, not caring that she was getting absolutely drenched. "Hey! You cut your hair off? And got a tattoo?"

Tango didn't sense the unease, only enjoying the weather and sniffing the floor. When a particular canine scent drifted her way, the dog immediately went over to Jacob and sniffed all around him.

"Bella," Jacob didn't show any emotion on his face.

"I thought you were too sick to come outside or pick up the phone when I call." She yelled slightly which was when Tango finally noticed the tension of the scene. The dog stopped smelling Jacob and stood at Bella's side, even if she loved Jacob she would always love Bella more.

"Go away," the boy said calmly.

Bella looked down right confused, "What?"

Jacob repeated himself in a quieter voice, "Go away."

"What happened to you? What's..." Jacob turned to walk away and Bella grabbed his bicep to stop him, "Hey! What happened? Did Sam get to you? Is that what's happening?"

Jacob looked down at Bella, "Sam's trying to help me. Don't blame him. But if you want somebody to blame, how about those filthy bloodsuckers you love, the Cullens?" Thunder rumbled in the distance yet the question went unanswered for a few seconds.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the girl denied as she blinked rapidly. Both from confusion on how he knew and the rain which dripped into her eyes.

"No, you know exactly what I'm talking about," Jacob spat back not believing her for a second, Tango growled in warning at Jacob not liking the aggression which rolled off him in waves. "You've been lying to everyone. Charlie. But you can't lie to me, not anymore, Bella."

People were calling Jacob from the forest line, Tango knew them and wanted to say hello but refused to leave Bella's side. The pack which included Sam, Jared, Embry and Paul were shocked when their enhanced eyesight allowed them to see Bella Swan talking to Jacob, not to mention the strong police dog at her side.

Jacob looked to the pack and then back to Bella sadly, "Look, Bella, we can't be friends anymore."

Bella was crying now as she pleaded with him. "Look, Jake, I know that I've been hurting you. It's killing me. It kills me. I just need..." Jacob was equally as heartbroken as the girl he'd had a crush on for ages was now begging him to stay. "Maybe give me, like, some time or something-"

Jacob cut her off, "Look, don't. It's not you."

Tango growled at his tone.

"It's not you, it's me, right?" Jacob nodded, "Really?"

"It's true. It is me. I'm not good. I used to be a good kid, not anymore. This doesn't even matter all right? This is over." The rain was like an even bigger 'fuck you' to Bella.

"You can't break up with me," the Swan girl shook her head, "I mean... I mean, you're my best friend. You promised me."

Jacob's mind reminisced to a simpler time, when he knew nothing of shifters or vampires, "I know. I promised I wouldn't hurt you, Bella. And this is me keeping that promise. Go home and don't come back or you're gonna get hurt." But she already was hurt which made it even worse.

Jacob turned and ran away. Bella stood there for a moment shell shocked, slowly turning around it was like the hole in her chest had spread and swallowed her whole. She didn't even notice when she hadn't opened the door for Tango as she started the truck. Not about to be left on the reservation, the dog took a running start and jumped into the back of the truck. Laying down on the back she rested her head on her paws.

The rain battered down but the German Shepherd didn't mind, at least she didn't have to walk home.

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