Chapter Twenty-Four

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A week.

It has been a week since Luke's sudden take off to a place we didn't know. How unprofessional it was for an alpha to run away like that, leaving all his duties behind, unattended. It was a disgraceful act for him to perform and on behalf of him, Neil and I were going through the trouble to keep things straight, especially when the entire pack was losing its balance after the news of the death of one of our pack fighter went viral.

Sometimes it confined me till that provoking situation where I had no option than to exhibit all my thoughts out. Things were running out of control, much to my dislike I was aware of that.

My unlabeled relationship with Luke was not helping either. Luke's behaviour changed a lot in the past few weeks and it was noticeable enough to see all the adjustments he did to himself and his pack.

My position as the pack fighter or killing machine as they called was only up to that much. I knew the weaknesses of this pack and for them letting me go would be a risk which they won't take. I was stuck between a time span where I couldn't even see my own future. Unlike many other she-wolves, I didn't get to live the expected life after finding my mate. It was supposed to be beautiful as everyone claimed but mine was far from it.

I had no future with him and I knew that very well. James, to me, was nothing more than a broken dream. A dream which would never come true, I would be rather surprised if it did.

It amused me sometimes when I gave myself enough time to think over all the decisions I had made till now. How my life changed its direction and how I ended up here. Three years and a lot of things changed. Excluding one particular fact that somewhere deep within I still longed for him. I hated to admit I sometimes tend to miss James even though I didn't know him at all. I knew nothing about him other than the fact that he was the Alpha of the Dark Moon pack and was with someone else.

I sometimes wondered how life was for James and his mate. How things would've been if he was different and I was there instead of her. Maybe we would've had a perfectly happy life if things played out differently, if only.

I groaned as I accidentally stumbled across a rock. Thoughts of the past left my head as I stood there near borders. Scanning my way through to make sure all the patrol routes were equally guarded. It has been four hours now and I was exhausted. Exhausted enough to space off every now and then. I knew I was taking too much load on myself. The burden was indeed becoming too heavy for me to carry.

Once I was satisfied with the patrolling scheme and passed some orders down to the guards, I made my way back towards the packhouse. Traipsing my way to the house where I belonged.

"How did the patrol go? Did you find any clues?" Neil interrupted suddenly walking up to me.

Neil has been much of a big brother ever since I arrived here. He has always been there for me, supporting me and making me forget the painful past I had. He knew me maybe better than my own brother did.

"Not really." I answered, "I still don't understand how abandoned wolves are making their way inside other packs even though the borderline patrol is quite strict."

"I agree with you." He nodded, handing me a piece of paper. "Read that."

"Three members from the Red Blood pack were reported as missing." I frowned as I read that sentence aloud. It couldn't be, especially not now.

"Do you see that? Even though we increased our security still members of our pack are prone to risk." Neil stated solemnly.

We both knew he was right. Even though we tightened up our security forces it didn't help. Luke's sudden take off and then the sudden disappearance of our pack members were causing distress, spreading negative thoughts as well as drilling them inside everyone's mind.

"Nothing seems to be helping." I exasperated.

"Yes, I know. We need to work hard and figure out what is actually going on."

Work hard. That was what we were doing now, weren't we?

"Right." I rolled my eyes, "Answer this for me. How did the news of the death of our pack fighter, the silver bullet case to be more precise, get viral? Do you have any idea who would dare to spread the talk?"

"Frankly, I'm not aware of that. Even though I strictly marked this case as confidential I don't know how it leaked out." He said, "Everything is getting complicated and I don't even know where Luke ran off to. That bastard ran away when we need him the most."

I snorted, "A nice timing for him, indeed."

"Tell me about it." He laughed.

"Hey, about the Shadow Light pack being victimised, do you know anything more about it?"

"According to the stats and reports, it was during the night a fire broke out along with the sudden entrance of abandoned wolves. Many died and it was a horrible view, so I heard." He explained, his eyebrows furrowed, "Though I think it was all planned."

"What makes you think so?" I gapped.

"No one would dare to attack a pack without plotting schemes from beforehand. All tactics of victory."

"Do you know how many people died?"

"Not really, most probably around a hundred or more. Alpha Brynn got injured but he survived."

"Oh, okay." I mumbled, "Anyway, what happened to the silver bullet?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, the pack healer wanted to see you." He informed.

"Me? But why?"

"I don't know. Maybe something related to the case." He said, his palm gripped my hand as he dragged me towards the packhouse. "Let's go."

"But I was in the middle of my walk," I whined.

"Your walk can wait." He scolded as he dragged me inside the packhouse.


Yay! Done!

I wrote this chapter in one and a half hour. Well excluding some breaks I took in between. It's 3 am here rn and yeah I'm sleepy asf. 😪

Luckily it's the weekend tomorrow and I can sleep all day. Bleh. I know many of you can relate to it.

James is not here today 😩 I miss his arrogant self already.

Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter.


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