Chapter Fifty-Six

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"That wasn't as fruitful as I wanted it to be." Ron groaned as we reached his assigned room. He flopped himself on the bed, buried his head on the pillow and growled. Neil sat on the couch and ushered me to sit next to him. He had a tired expression on his face.

The interrogation down at the cell brought upon many raw facts for us. Some of our suspicions turned out to be true. Ron was anticipating the involvement of a shapeshifter in the riot and, he was correct. Both the abandoned wolves have confirmed it themselves.

"I'm not sure how we will protect our pack." Neil expressed his concerns. "We are not well equipped to go on a war. I'm not even sure if the shapeshifters will call a war by making the abandoned wolves go bonkers on us."

Ron flipped his position and laid on his back. "They won't give us the chance to think. It's all about instincts. We need to work instinctively. They will sneak in and attack when we are least expecting it."

"We can't win if we just go with the flow," Neil growled. "We have to place our tactics right."

"There is nothing else we can do." Ron fired back.

"There has to be a way and I will figure it out."

Ron chuckled. "Oh, I know you will. We just need to find Luke and I bet he has some answers to our questions."

I could hear them argue but my mind was hovering over the scent I had sniffed back inside the cell. James reeked of Hailey. I felt my stomach churn at the thought of it. I was unable to approach him while we were down there, interrogating. The way he looked at me with a blank expression on his face, left me speechless.

I couldn't piece his reactions together to form a conclusion. I couldn't even tell if he was the same James who cuddled with me all night before my pack members arrived with the abandoned wolf, Lamar.

James, I knew, was very much aware that his actions were hurting me. That little jealously I felt every time he mentioned Hailey's name and how much he adored her, made my blood boil. I was never the jealous type. But I couldn't control my emotions every time I thought of them together. I knew he felt responsible for his actions, which he definitely should. He not only messed his own life but he also complicated my life. He made me feel like I was his second choice.

"Are you listening?" Neil lightly shook my hand that was resting on my lap.

I looked at him and apologised. "Sorry, I spaced out."

"What's wrong?" Ron asked looking concerned.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"Tell us what's bothering you?"

I sighed. "I just have a lot on my mind. I'm really worried about the whole situation. I'm worried about Luke. I don't know where he is or what he is up to. I don't even know if he is alright. Why did he go to the Graveyard of Doom? How did he end up with burnt patches on his forearm and body? I don't know how we will sort everything out. I am scared of losing."

"Is that all?" Neil inquired. He rubbed my shoulders trying to calm my nerves.

"We are all worried about Luke. Even I don't have any solid answer to your questions." Ron said. "I do feel there is more than that on your mind. I have noticed how you were throwing glances at Alpha James."

"It's just—" I started, "I don't know where I stand. I have come to that point where my past conflicts with my present. Every time I see James, my wolf purs inside my head and my heart goes all warm and stuff. He is mated to someone else and I just can't help it. I feel left out, abandoned, always second—"

Neil pulled me into a hug and cooed. "Everything will be alright. I know it might feel like you are stuck but it will get better with time. Just trust me on that."

There was a sudden knock on the door. Neil and Ron fixed their postures.

"Come in," Neil said.

Drake walked inside and looked at us. "We will be having a meeting exactly in four hours. We expect you downstairs."

He looked at me for a second and his eyes softened. It looked like he wanted to say something to me.

I frowned.

"We'll be there," Ron answered. Drake nodded and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

"So Alina—" Neil started, "— after this discussion you are coming along with us if I'm correct?"

"Yes," I answered. James had fully recovered and it was my time to leave.


The meeting felt worse than I had anticipated. James was sitting a few chairs away from me and I could feel my wolf yearning for his touch. I found my gaze wandering off to him and not once did he reciprocate. He carried on his casual posture, ignoring me.

"So you are saying it is all the planned and controlled by the shapeshifters?" Drake asked.

"You were in that cell too, you have heard it yourself." Ron deadpanned.

Drake ran his fingers through his hair. "It's a lot to process. I still don't understand what the shapeshifters are looking for."

"A pure soul?" Jace repeated what the abandoned wolf has told us.

"Yes and that makes no sense. There is no pure soul." James exasperated.

"We still don't know."

"I don't see one of your pack members." Jace pointed out to Neil. "Where is he?"

Neil smiled and said, "Oh pardon, something came up and I had to send him back to the pack."

Unconvinced Jace nodded. "What are your plans for defending your pack?" He asked Neil.

"Nothing special to be frank. We have decided to increase security and see what we can do." Neil nodded.

"Are you going to help us?" Jace wagered.

James shifted in his chair uncomfortably. I glared at him before refocusing my concentration on Neil.

So he just wanted us for help.— Neil snorted through the mind-link.

I heard Ron snort too at the back of my mind. Everyone was concerned about their safety.

It didn't take long before they started concocting several tactics to overcome the potential threat that lingered for all of us. Everyone was busy talking when suddenly Neil started sniffing the air. Jace also started sniffing the air soon after and growled.

"Fuck!" Jace and Neil cursed loudly jumping from their seats. All the other wolves in the house started howling again at the strong stench that hit their nostrils. James jumped up from his seat soon after and ordered everyone to shift and sprint to the packhouse. However, the strong stench of blood overwhelmed everyone's senses as smoke from a fire clouded our surroundings.

Author's Note:

Tada! Early update for my readers.

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Thanks for reading.

Next update: Monday.

Till then—
Peace out.

Mystery of the Rejected Alpha ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant