Softie [1/2]

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Soft Dream also high swaped (Dream is Sapnaps real hight Sapnap is Dreams).
Dream hated when Sapnap was mad at someone or something, Dream adored being in Sapnaps embrace and on his lap, when Sapnap would abosulty reck his insides, he loved Sapnap. But when Sapnap was mad he wouldn't want Dream near him in fear he'd hurt his little softie, and he didn't want to do that.

"Nicki why are you mad?" Dream questioned at his boyfriend who typically would be smothering Dream with affection and attention right now on the couch but right now there's a confused cat, and he all the way on the oppsites end of the couch.

Sapnap looked at his soft little boyfriend, who was in his hoodie looking at him with needy little affectionate eyes.

"Y'know the idoit trio and there lovely ideas of calling me to tough to be with a complete softie" Sapnap said his anger melting away as he admires his boyfriend.

"W..well your tough and protective of me, but when me and you are alone your a soft little protective boyfriend" Dream said reinsuring like.

Sapnap giggled lightly at that, patting his lap for Dream to come to him, witch as always Dream instlay moved from his spot, pulled onto his lap with Sapnaps arms tightly around him.

"You fit so perfectly on my lap, and know how to calm me down so quickly baby" Sapnap said his boyfriend just snuggling into his chest arms around his neck softly.

"It's just because we were always supposed to find and be like this to one another Nicki, we are soulmates" Dream said softly into Sapnaps ear.

Sapnap just smiled kissing Dreams lips softly before patches jumped on Dreams lap completing the little family.

"You know I only push you away when I'm mad because I don't wanna hurt you by accident" Sapnap said kissing Dreams forehead.

"I know, that's your soft side Nicki" Dream said.

Sapnap pulled something out of his pocket putting it on Dreams rings finger.

"Will you marry me? Let's make this last forever baby" Sapnap said softly looking at Dream.

"Yes of fucking course I'll marry you Nicki" Dream said amiring the ring.

Dream was perfectly happy to be wifed up by Sapnap, infect he couldn't of asked for anything better, the timing was perfect.

"Love you baby" Sapnap said softly "can't wait until your my little wife baby" hugging Dream closely.

Dream just smiled "I always wanted you to marry me" Dream said sweetly "love you to".

"Well that Dream will become a reality baby" Sapnap said "kinda ironic due to your online name".

Dream giggled softly, smiling at his feanice.

Sapnap watched his little soon to be wife fall asleep on his lap like normal. Him soon joining.
Should I do a part 2 or nah.

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