my Nicki [3/3]

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Last part to I'm here Nicki
Sapnap woke up on his new boyfriends lap looking around to see his Boyfriend smiling down at him. "How was your nap Baby" he said.

"Mmm good!" Spanpa mumbled his face hiding in his boys chest.

George said something Sapnap wasn't restsring he was half awake, Dream looked up and over at the short.

"Nah George he's content in laying on my lap" Dream said to all Sapnap nodded to.

Dream and George kept going back and fourth arguing about something, soon Sapnap was completely awaken from his slumber.

"No he's mine George leave it" Dream said.

"Your a terrible friend Dream" George argued back.

"No he's not" Sapnap said.

Both of them look at Sapnap "George you like me you made that factor ovious but I felt no fellings for you never did it was Dream I liked..." Sapnap said.

Dream smirked "and that's why you are mine now baby" Dream said softly.

George huffed and started to pout before getting up and leaveing the house slaming the door behind him as he went.

"Eh don't care now give me a kiss babe" Sapnap said.

Dream smirked leaning down and kissing the boy  Passionately on the lips, there lips moved in synce as it contuied until the broke apart, Dream layed down on the couch pulling Sapnap on his chest cuddling him and playing with Sapnaps hair all lovely, kissing Sapnaps cheek and just giving Sapnap all the affection he could  ever want and more.

Dream always had a heavy fast heart beat around Sapnap, and once more his heart is going fast on his boyfriends head, Sapnap loves the affection  and attention Dream is giving him, Dream leaned  down kissing Sapnaps soft smooth lips once more soon they made  out and when it broke Sapnaps exs George all around them by the couch, Sapnap clinged onto Dream seeing his exs.

"You and you out of my house" Dream said.

"No" they refused.

Dream picked up his boyfriend "fine then I'll take my Nicki and leave" Dream said going to his room.

They  followed him, Dream sat Sapnap on his bed and walked out of the room.

There was screaming and fighting "George why the hell would you get the pepole that broke him?!" Dream screamed.

"If I can't have him he mise as well be broken for you!" George screamed back.

"George you're  kicked out of the Dreamteam" Dream said pushing George to the floor taking the key.

George protested as he was thrown out the door.

"Leave me and my future husband alone" Dream said slaming and locking the door.

He went back into his room getting on the bed, pulling his boyfriend close.

"You are mine, an a I plan on being your last" Dream said softly.

"I would want you to be my last Dreamie" Sapnap said  kissing his boyfriend cheek.

"My Nicki.. my little baby" Dream said as they cuddled under the soft fuzzy blanket on Dreams bed.

Sapnap liked being called Dreams and he always will.
There's the ending of this suga.

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