Today's Winner and Loser

395 17 32

Journal Entry No. 179

Today is the day! I will finally get to see the amazing athlete that is Kurapika.

Admittedly, I have never been to any of his competitions before. I've only ever seen him play during practice. I guess I was too shy to watch him and my friends aren't very much interested in other sports.

Machi and Pakunoda are both our school's volleyball players. Pakunoda is the captain.

Shizuku... Well, Shizuku likes to read? She doesn't like doing strenuous stuff like me. She finds watching sports boring.

She says it doesn't engage her mind as much as reading does.

Though, sometimes when I visit her at her home, I see her playing video games with Shalnark.

I don't really know much about Shalnark. All I know is he's an adopted child of the Portor family, and has been neighbors with Shizuku for years. He's two years younger than her.

Hmm... About Machi, well... She is a very competitive person. Obviously. She's always so full of ideas and she has won MVP for women's volleyball a few times.

She often fights with the vice-captain from the men's volleyball team, which is Hisoka. He's a transferee back in middle school, and ever since then, has shown great volleyball skills.

Machi and Hisoka have always been against each other. They sometimes even do a volleyball face-off. Sometimes Machi wins, other times Hisoka does.

Machi calls him "a half-French and an idiot". A funny remark, wouldn't you say? However, sometimes I think maybe Machi has grown to like him more than hate him, but who's to tell?

Anyway, my friends are all great and they have their own perks. But sometimes I wish they went with me when I wanted to see Kurapika's games. In the end, I never went to any because being alone watching him from the sidelines sucks big time!

Now, Killua offered me an opportunity and I just can't pass it up. When I asked Machi to come with me, she said she has a volleyball match against Hisoka. Pakunoda said she'd be meeting her uncle, whose name was the weirdest because who the fuck names their child Chrollo and now gets to be called uncle Chrollo?

And of course, I didn't bother Shizuku. She'd say no. That's it.

Me, Leorio, Gon, Killua, and Alluka went to the event location. It was a little far away from the school. I finished all my homeworks last night, so I wouldn't have to worry about a single thing for today!

I'm gonna focus on him and him only.

Anyway, we reached the field and I saw Kurapika getting ready from afar with some of our school's representatives. Two of our school's PE teachers went, too. Our school actually has three PE teachers, and I don't know why the third one didn't come today.

Gon pointed to some bench from afar.

There she is. Again. That same girl.

Gon and the others went to her. I didn't even know that she's good friends with them besides Kurapika? Good Lord, am I gonna be out of place today?

Leorio ushered me to come along. I think I stopped walking and he noticed I wasn't following anymore.

I did and when I got closer, I could really see how pretty she was. Her fashion style was a bit odd, but looked very coherent. You could really say she's stylish.

She's also got this rich girl vibe. It's probably because of the way she dresses. Her blue hair was amazing. Whoever dyed it did a terrific job.

Then, I just heard:

𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙚 | ᴋᴜʀᴀᴘɪᴋᴀ ᴋᴜʀᴛᴀDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora