The Chaser, The Chased, and Vice Versa

329 18 20

Journal Entry No. 267

I don't know where to begin.

As usual, I went to Kurapika's practice field to wait for him so that we can go home together. I also kinda wanted to talk to him about something.

I didn't see anyone on the field and I figured they might be in their locker rooms or something.

If only I didn't come, I wouldn't have heard it. 

It went like this:

Athlete #1: "So Kurapika, what'd ya think of Neon?"

Athlete: #3: "Yeah, been seeing you with her lately."

So he's been with her lately, huh?

Athlete #4: "There's no way y'all aren't dating yet."

Kurapika: "No, we aren't. Just shut it."

Athlete #5: "Wait, but isn't there this other girl, too?"

Athlete #2: "Oh, yeah. That girl who always walks home with you. Was it Y/n?"

Athlete #5: "Yeah, Y/n!"

Athlete #1: "She invited us to their pet café during the festival, remember? She looked cute wearing a maid outfit."

Athlete #3: "What'd ya think about her, Kurapika?"

Kurapika: "Nothing important."

Athlete #4: "Don't you find it annoying she keeps waiting for you and forces herself to walk home with you? I mean if I was you that'd be pretty annoying to me."

I thought at that time, well, that's annoying for you, but not for Kurapika. Besides he's never complained about it, right?

Kurapika: "Yeah, sometimes."

I was wrong.

Athlete #4: "Right?"

Athlete #2: "Yeah, same. I think if she were to stand beside Neon, Neon would be a much better choice, don't ya think, Kurapika?"

Athlete #3: "Yeah, I think Neon's definitely prettier. So are you guys dating?"

I left after that question. I've had enough of it. I've had enough. I didn't think he thought I was annoying.

If I was, I preferred he told me that personally. He's rejected me before a couple of times, so why be fucking cowardly? Huh? Kurapika?

I didn't care about other people's opinions. If those teammates of his think Neon is prettier, for all I fucking care. Go eat Neon's ass up!

But what really broke my heart was he remained silent when they were calling me ugly. Well, they were basically saying I was ugly, right?

The only thing he agreed to was that I was annoying. He just put 'sometimes' to be more polite about it.

For all I know, he has always been annoyed ever since.

Oh, so that's why he's always sighing whenever I talk to him. That's why he chooses to listen to music or be quiet. Or be dry.



I did all I could. I went out of my usual way. I even jogged for him. I made that stupid banner. I waited for him everyday.

Every. Fucking. Day.

I should've known that when he only looked at Neon when they talk and never did to me. I should've known that when his mouth twitches into annoyance whenever I asked him questions, which was probably too much of me, I suppose. I should've known that when he never waits for me at the school gate even though I've already established the habit of going home with him.

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