Always The First But Never The Option

331 20 18

Journal Entry No. 265

School Festival!

Yay! Or not. It was pretty stressful preparing a lot of things for today. I had to work outside my school hours.

I was still able to walk home with Kurapika, though. Even when it got really busy, like tremendously busy last week, I still really went out of my way to be able to walk home with him. I mean, it's not like he wasn't busy either. He had practice and on top of that, he had to help with his class for the school festival, so naturally we'd be out of the school almost at the same time.

Lately, he's been really tired. I can tell from the way he would just blankly walk towards the school gate and forget to nod at me like the usual. I had to pat his shoulder sometimes, so at least he'd know I was walking with him. He'd nod at me after that.

When he's super tired, he doesn't even bother trying to listen to music and just walk straight home. That's what I noticed. So yeah, last week, yes, we were walking home together, but we didn't talk at all. I'm not particularly mad or sad about it. I was just as exhausted, but he's probably more exhausted than I am.

Last Wednesday, I think I've already mentioned this in my previous journal entry, that I invited Kurapika's team to visit my class during the festival. We needed visitors because we were doing a pet-pat café. Pretty cute, right?

The concept was simple. My classmates, almost all of them, which was really surprising, had pets at home. At first, we thought of setting up a maid café, but that'd be boring since lots of people have probably thought of it, too. Then, my classmate, Zushi suggested we do a pet café because that would be really cute.

That's exactly what he said:

Zushi: "I think it's gonna be cute! People will like it for sure."

Our class president, Komugi, was allured by the idea since she was pretty sure no one has ever done it in our school before. But the thing is, the reason why nobody has ever done it before was because pets were not allowed at school. Naturally.

Now, we know people were gonna like it. Pets are cute and they're already domestically trained so there's not much problem about that. The problem was getting the student council and the faculty to agree on this.

We proposed the plan to our adviser. She wanted us to have a backup plan, in case we'd get rejected, which was what we were really expecting. Rejection. Again, huh? How many times have I written this word down on this journal?

Our backup plan was cosplay café. It isn't entirely different from the maid café idea, but this time we planned on cosplaying as a whole from only one anime series, and the class collectively agreed on One Piece since it has a diverse cast and really great character designs. Honestly, if we had to do cosplay café, I'd probably choose to dress up as Boa Hancock. That'd be fun, except I don't have the boobs to make up for it. 

So, in one way or another, I was glad that the pet-pat café idea was approved. Though, the compensation for this was we really had to clean up the whole place thoroughly since animals leave animal dirt, y'know? We also had to promise that we'd make sure the animals will be secured safely and that they will never be able to leave/escape our classroom because if that happens, we will have to forget even thinking about a chance of us winning in this festival.

Those were pretty tough conditions, but my classmates, who had pets, reassured us that they will be securing their pets. They should be or I'd have to smack them in the heads.

Zushi brought two pet dogs, by the way. I brought my rabbit, Lilith.

So, the pet-pat café is exactly how it's named. You can pat the pets as long as you order food from us. You can pat or pet them, specifically, after you order. Of course, we do customized coffee designs as long as they're about animals. I mean, I'm the one who does the designs. Yep, pretty proud of myself. 

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