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Third Person POV

Nicholas and his wife, Perenelle Flamel appeared in Privet Drive.

"You sure Nicholas?" Perenelle said as they began to walk down the road.

"I'm sure. I won't let an innocent child be used in Dumbledore's plans." Nicholas said. "And maybe we can adopt her. We've always wanted a child."

Perenelle smiled at the thought of adopting. The two had always wanted children, and were planning to adopt a child anyways.

"She's a demigod?" Perenelle asked. She herself was a daughter of Dionysus.

"Yes." Nicholas smiled. He was a son of Athena. "A powerful one."

The couple stopped when they had reached their destination and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" a horsed face women, Petunia said, opening the door.

"We want to take the girl under your care." Nicholas said coldly.

"W-What girl?" Petunia stammered.

"Alyssa Potter." Perenelle. "We'll take her."

"You want the freak?" Petunia said shocked.

Nicholas drew his wand. "I will not let another child to fall into Dumbledore's schemes. We've always wanted a child, and we will remove Alyssa from you 'care' or should I saw abuse?"

Petunia paled and walked down the hall.

The Flames were shocked when she opened a boot cupboard and dragged out a malnourished seven year old.

Nicholas stunned Petunia and Perenelle approached the seven year girl.

Nicholas then began to effortlessly began to plant memories into Petunia of abandoning Alyssa in an alley and did the same for Dudely Dursley and Vernon Dursley.

"Are you alright child?" Perenelle said softly.

Alyssa flinched slightly at the strange women.

"W-Who are you?" Alyssa asked quietly.

"We're here to save you little one." Perenelle said kindly "I'm Perenelle and this is my husband Nicholas."

"Alyssa Potter." Alyssa said softly. "Are you going to take me away from the Dursley's?"

"Of course." the daughter of wine said.

"Done." Nicholas announced.

Perenelle picked up Alyssa and the seven year old felt safe in the old women's arms.

"Alyssa, what do you know about magic?" Nicholas asked as they walked away from the Dursley's.

One explanation later

"Magic is real?" Alyssa asked, eyes wide with wonder. "And the greek gods? I'm a demigod?"

"Yup. We would like to adopt you Alyssa, and help train you to fight monsters." Perenelle.

"I would like to be adopted by you. You saved me from the Dursley's!" Alyssa smiled shyly.

Perenelle and Nicholas smiled.

"Then let's go Gringott's shall we?"

That is today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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