The letter

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Time skip to Jada becoming 11.

Third Person POV

Jada was 11 now, and was reading at one of the window seats(the window was open) at Flamel Chateau when an owl flew in, along with it a gust of wind.

The legacy of wine & madness pushed away the locks of red streaked black hair out of her greek fire green eyes.

"Thank you." Jada smiled to the owl, which hooted and flew away.

The child of fire turned to the letter, which had the symbol of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic on it.

"About time." Jada grinned and opened the letter, reading it. It was in French but do to being a legacy of Aphrodite, she was fluent in French speaking, writing, and reading.

Jada read the letter.

Dear Ms. Jada Flamel

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into our school. We hope you will be as great as your parents.

We also hope that you will enjoy your time at our school and become a great witch one day.

Please buy all of your supplies at Place Cachée before the beginning of our term.


Madam Maxine.

Jada grinned, getting up, but then another owl swooped in and dropped a letter in front of her.

This time with the Hogwarts symbol.

The legacy of love rolled her eyes but read the letter as well.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Flamel

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Jada rolled her eyes, muttered 'fools, like I would attend the Goats school' and quickly began writing a letter back to McGonagall.

The Hogwarts owl had flew out the window however, most likely back to Hogwarts in England.

Dear Deputy Headmistress McGonagall

I will not be attending Hogwarts as I have been accepted into another school for magic. Thank you for your invite however.


Ms. Flamel 

P.S. If Dumbledore complains tell me that he can complain to my parents and the French Ministry of Magic. I will not be attending Hogwarts and that is final.

The legacy of magic sealed her letter and yelled "Llys!"

The house elf appeared. "Yes mistress?"

"Please take this to Minerva McGonagall's office at Hogwarts." Jada said.

Llys nodded, took the letter, and vanished with a small 'pop' before reappearing a few minutes later.

"Its been done mistress." Llys said.

"Thank you Llys. You can go back to your duties." the legacy of the moon said.

Llys nodded and left the room, with Jada leaving as well and heading down to her parents.

"Did you get it?" Perenelle asked her daughter.

"I did." Jada nodded, handing the letter to her adopted mother.

Nicholas took it after his wife read it and smiled. "We'll go shopping tomorrow. Anything else?"

"Hogwarts gave me an acceptance letter. I turned it down of course." the legacy of wisdom hummed.

"Good, you're not going to be taught under that goat." Perenelle smirked.

That is today's chapter, I hope you have all enjoyed it.

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