Yule Ball

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Third Person POV

Soon, it was the night of the Yule Ball.

Asher arrived at the entrance first, waiting for his date, with the rest of the Beauxbaton boys arriving after him. Asher was eager to spend the night with his date/girlfriend.

Asher had opted to wear the dress robes that were commonly seen in French culture, he was wearing a basically a tuxedo with small magical French robe additions.

"Asher!" a voice yelled and the boys turned to see Asher and Padma walking towards them. Padma was wearing beautiful robes of sapphire blue and gold bands on her wrists.

Jada on the other hand, was wearing a deep flame red dress with three quarter sleeves, diamonds embroidered on to subtly flash in the light and she wore a ruby and silver necklace and a pair of ruby earrings. She had on elegant shoes and her hair pulled back into a long braid with a few rubies wove in.

Jada had clearly decided to go fancy for the night.

"You look amazing." Asher said shyly to the greek fire green eyed girl. Jada grinned back at the son of thieves. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."

Padma walked over to a Beauxbatons boy who had asked her to the ball, smiling. Ron was glaring jealousy at the boy, having rudely demanded to Padma that she go with him to the ball but Padma was saved by the Beauxbatons boy.

Also, her twins sister was going with Padma's date's best friend.

"And where is Luna? Then we have the complete party." the legacy of love frowned, looking around for the legacy of the moon and sun.

"Asher! Jada!" a voice yelled.

"There she is." the son of thieves murmured, spotting his adopted sister walk over with her date for the night, Neville Longbottom.

Neville was wearing a simple tuxedo while Luna wore a dark pink and royal blue dress with several layers and embroidered with stars and moons, her long dirty blonde hair done up in a pretty bun.

She wore none of her quirky accessories but she did have a necklace with a sun and moon pendants and one dark pink rose earring and one dark blue rose earring. She made it work, to be honest.

"You better treat her good." Asher threaten Neville jokingly.

"I will don't worry." Neville laughed, grinning.

"Let's get this party started!" a Beauxbatons student cheered and the crowd of French students, minus Fleur and her date, entered the room.

The legacy of wisdom hooked arms with Asher and the two joined the crowd into the Great Hall.

"Wow." Asher whistled under his breath. "Its amazing."

The Great Hall of Hogwarts truly did look amazing, looking much more pretty than what is usually looked like.

The friends grabbed a table together and talked and ate for a while until the dancing began, the ball opened up by the champions doing the first dance.

"Champions ready!" McGonagall announced as the champions got ready outside.

Being Champions, Cedric and the other champions with their dates are required to open the floor so people could dance.

Fleur was wearing silver and grey dress, looking unhappy with her choice of her date- Roger Davies. The semi veela was eyeing Bill Weasley with interest.

The Weird Sisters first tune was a slow dance for everyone to dance to. Asher and Jada did dance to the slow dance and several other songs with Luna and Neville and the others.

They then headed out into the gardens with Fleur and new partner Bill Weasley to relax. Fleur looked much more happy with her new partner, and even Bill was grinning a bit.

"Do you think your parents will allow you for you know.."

"They will." the legacy of love  said confidently.

"You sure?" the legacy of night drawled.

"I know they will. I'll be glad to show you around the gardens they put in." Jada grinned up at Asher.

Asher took a deep breath, gathered up his courage, then kissed A,ara.

On the lips.

Jada was briefly stunned before kissing back. The two stopped before it ounce get messy, grinning.

"That was nice." Asher said wirily.

"White, that was my second kiss." Jada raised an eyebrow. "From you within the past month."

Asher blushed cursing his pale complexion and the two heard another song come up.

"Wait what was that?" the legacy of magic said.

Both teens drew their weapons, getting ready for battle.

A pair of monsters appeared before being hit by arrows from Jada and Asher's sword(which he threw), exploding into monster dust.

"Ugh can't we get a break for one night?" the legacy of the moon complained.

"Back to the Carriage for the night?" Asher asked his date.

"Sure if you want to." the legacy of wine and madness shrugged.

"Let's go then." the son of thieves nodded.

They had just ran into Blaise making out with Theodore Nott next to a statue as they made there way

The two demigods headed back to the front door of the Great Hall, and left the Great Hall. Hedwig caught up with them and flew along with them through the the stone corridors with them.

They duo made it back to the carriage with a minor run in with a hellhound, Asher killing it with shadows before they entered, said good night to one another, and headed to their rooms.

The wards of the carriage had no doubt notified Madam Maxine that they were in the carriage. Jada got into her sleep clothes back in her room.

All in all, the Yule Ball had gone semi well. the child of fire thought before falling into the realm of sleep and dreams.

That is today's chapter, I hope you have at least enjoyed it.

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