Arrival to Hogwarts

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Third Person POV

"Nous sommes ici! Je peux voir Poudlard!" Gabrielle said excitedly as she craned her neck to look out the window of the carriage.

Translation: We're here! I can see Hogwarts!

You see, the travel carriage for the Beauxbatons students & teacher looked like a typical Beauxbatons carriage on the outside(just more fancier) but was magical expanded on the inside.

The carriage had two bathrooms on the main floor, a large Plasma TV with video games, electricity, running water, a kitchenette, a massive library, parlor, and several chairs, couches, and seats.

The second floor, lead up by an elegant staircase was split in half-one the right side was the girls room, the left the boys, and Madam Maxine's rooms were in the middle area.

Each room was sound proof with a queen sized canopy bed, a desk, bookshelf, nightstand, phone charger, lamp, closet, and mirror. The girls was the exact same but with a vanity.

And finally, the third floor was a simple hang out space to read, study, talk, call friends back home, etc. The walls were one way glass and the room was enchanted to produce the items wanted by the people in the room.

Currently, the students were all in the parlor since they needed to look presentable and ready to get out of the carriage when they landed.

"Oui, nous sommes Gabrielle. Mais s'il vous plaît asseyez-vous maintenant." Madam Maxine chuckled at her youngest charges joy.

Translation: Yes we are Gabrielle. But please sit down now.

Gabrielle did just that.

"You should have brought warmer clothing." the legacy of wine and madness said to her fellow students from her spot next to Asher. Only a few had brought scarves and shawls were the rest were in light silk.

Fleur huffed. "Nous ne nous attendions pas à ce que ce soit aussi froid Jada. Le plus loin en Angleterre que nous ayons jamais été est la Coupe de Quidditch. Chaque hiver, nous sommes chez nous en France."

Translation: We didn't expect this to be this cold Jada. The furthest into England we have ever been is the Quidditch Cup. Every winter we have been home in France.

The legacy of the moon rolled her fondly eyes at how Gabrielle clambered closer to her. Jada gave off warmth and heat like an oven, so she was the main source of heat in the cold carriage.

The carriage landed and the students clambered out. Jada blinked up at the massive stone castle that was Hogwarts.

Beauxbatons looked very much better than the English school.

Jada snapped back when Asher elbowed her in the side and she caught the last of Dumbledore and Madam Maxine's conversation.

"My steeds require — er — forceful 'andling. Zey are very strong...." Madam Maxine said.

Dumbledore then said. "I assure you that Hagrid will be well up to the job."

Madam Maxime sighed. "Very well. Will you please inform zis 'Agrid zat ze 'orses drink only single-malt whiskey?"

Dumbledore said something Jada didn't caught and the Beauxbatons students marched up into the castle and into the Great Hall.

She noticed the school had obviously been cleaned up for their arrival. She rolled her eyes at it.

"Où sommes-nous assis?" Jackson asked.

Translation: Where do we sit?

"Ici peut faire." Asher decided, sitting down at one of the tables. The others followed his example while Madam Maxine waited somewhere else.

The Drumstrang students entered and soon the Hogwarts students. Apparently, they were sitting at the Ravenclaw table while the Drumstrang students the Slytherin table.

When Madam Maxine entered, the Beauxbatons students stood up and didn't sit back down until the school headmistress did.

The legacy of wisdom sneered when Dumbledore made his speech and then the feast began.

"Alors, qu'est-ce que tu aimes la beauté de Poudlard?" an older asian looking girl flirted with Jada.

Translation: So how do you like Hogwarts beautiful?

Jada was oblivious to the death/protective glare Asher was giving the girl. "Its drab, cold, and unfortunately for you I am straight." Jada said calmly in English.

The girl reeled back slightly in shock before pouting. "Maybe I could change your mind..." the girl said coyly.

"She said no." Asher snapped his emotions & protectiveness for the child of fire making themselves known. "So respect that." 

Luckily, Fleur, who had just gone to get one of the French dishes at the scarlet and gold table, sat down. 

"J'ai entendu ce que vous avez dit, donc je vais être clair. Mon amie ici présente est la seule héritière d'une famille très, très, puissante et ancienne. Chang, n'est-ce pas? Vous n'aurez pas droit à la main de mes amis en mariage. Reculez ou il y aura beaucoup de gens prêts à vous y obliger. Son grand-père par exemple." Fleur smiled coldly and Chang quickly swapped sweats with another Ravenclaw.

Translation: I heard what you said so I will make this clear. My friend here is the only heiress to a very, very, powerful and old family. Chang right? You won't qualify for my friends hand in marriage. Back off or there will be a lot of people willing to make you do so. Her grandfather for example.

"Merci Fleur et Asher." the legacy of magic smiled at her friends.

Translation: Thank you Fleur and Asher

The feast ended soon after, and the French students all made their way back to their carriage.

The child of fire proceed to change into her sleep clothes and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

That is today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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