Quidditch World Cup

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Third Person POV

Jada invited Asher, Luna, Percy, and Annabeth to come to the World Quidditch Cup with her and her parents.

She didn't invite Thalia because Thalia had turned down the invitation with as much politeness as she could muster.

"Let's go!" Luna cheered, eyes sparkling.

"Be patient sis." Asher said. Xenophilius had unfortunately died that summer, so Asher's mother had adopted Luna.

"Now come on let's go." the legacy of love said, and bounced through the emerald green fire. "Flamel Chateau!"

Luna was next. "Flamel Chateau!"

"Is that safe?" Percy asked Asher.

"Yeah. Just say the destination of where you want to go and this time it's 'Flamel Chateau' loudly and clearly." Asher explained. "We're meeting up with my mum."

Annabeth gave a nod. "Alright I'll go next."

The child of wisdom entered the emerald green flames and yelled "Flamel Chateau!" and vanished.

Asher calmly went after the blonde, the son of thieves yelled "Flamel Chateau!" as he entered the fire and vanished.

That left Percy.

The son of the sea gulped and did what his friends did, and yelled "Flamel Chateau!" as he entered the fire and vanished in the flames.


Percy tumbled out of the fire and face planted on the floor.

"And another one sticks the landing!" Asher cackled.

Percy grumbled and got up. He saw a man and women who looked very much like Jada & and women who had Asher's dark brown/black hair.

"So your Percy Jackson?" the man asked. "I'm Nicholas Flamel, Jada's blood adopted father, and this is my wife, Perenelle, Jada's blood adopted mother."

"I'm Arianna White, Asher's mother. I'm the daughter of Nyx, primordial goddess of the Night sky." the other women, Arianna greeted.

"Nice to meet you." Percy said. "So are we going to the campsite right now or...?"

"We'll be going to the campsite tomorrow since it's nighttime here." Nicholas explained "I advise you get your sleep and if you need anything or have questions, it's okay to ask us."

The demigods nodded and they all went to sleep after Jada gave them a brief tour of the house. 

"Wow... this place is amazing! The architecture is utterly amazing!" Annabeth said "Are there any books on the architecture of magical buildings?"

"Fifth floor library, second book shelf on the right, second shelf to the bottom." the legacy of wine and madness said.

Annabeth instantly booked it to the fifth floor library to her friends amusement.


"Wake up lets go!" Arianna yelled the next morning. "Or I'll blow an airhorn in your room!"

The demigods gave sleepy answers but got up and changed.

"She really is Asher's mother." Jada grumbled as she entered the dining room, wearing a black and dark red skirt, black stockings, a dark red, gold, and black shirt, and black boots with red laces. Her wand was strapped to her inner forearm.

"Asher's more thief-y and more... headstrong." Luna said. "But she's still a good mother!"

Annabeth and Percy entered the room a few minutes in normal clothing later while Asher came with his mother thirty seconds later.

After eating, they all floo traveled to their campsite, the tent already pre made. It was next to the Malfoy's as well.

"How's that gonna fit us?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Magic tent." the legacy of magic said, entering the tent. Percy entered after her and the others soon followed.

"... I stand corrected." the son of the sea said when he saw the inside of the tent. He ignored Jada's smug smile.

"Alright me and Nicholas have the master bedroom. Arianna is on my left. Asher and Percy your rooms are that way-" Perenelle pointed left "And Jada, Luna, and Annabeth are on the right. There's a kitchen, library, bathroom-just put your clothes in the laundry basket and the clothes will clean-, and a living room with a TV. Please don't break anything this cost a pretty penny. You kids can explore but be back before the game begins."

"I thought technology didn't work because magic over circuited." Annabeth frowned.

"That's what Dumbledore says dear." Arianna explained. Annabeth gave a nod and suddenly felt bittersweet at her own relationship with her father and step mother.

The demigods unpacked and then left the explore. They ran into many of Asher, Luna, and Jada's Beauxbatons friends who had come to see the game and bought Omnicolurs before heading back to their tent.

"You got what you need?" Nicholas asked. When he got thumbs up form the younger demigods "Good, let's go. We have Top seats in the Ministers Box along by invitation."

"AKA he wants to get on our good side." Perenelle explained.

Due to being highly influential, several people wanted to get into the Flamel Family or get on their good graces to elevate their status.

The group made their way to the stadium, where they were admitted and climbed the stairs up. When they reached the Ministers Box, they ran into the Weasley's who just finished having a mini confrontation with the Malfoy's.

"Ah Lord and Lady Flamel. And this must be your daughter." Fudge said, appearing in front of them and the three Flamel's only gave curt nods. "And these are...?"

"Lady Arianna White, her heir & son Asher, her adopted daughter Luna and two of their friends from their summer camp in the USA." Perenelle said, shaking the minister's hand.

"Good to know." Fudge said.

Soon the game started.

A/N: Its basically the same game in the book

"Well that was... boring." Annabeth drawled as the group headed back to the tents. Asher, Jada, and Luna on the other hand, had been completely absorbed in the game.

"You see the greek world, then yeah it can be boring or not boring depending on the person." Arianna shrugged.

"I'm never doing that." Percy said.

"Percy you can't do the game remember?" the legacy of wisdom said. "No offense, but Uncle Zeus would blast you."

"Oh he knows." Annabeth said "Which is why he can only fly if it's on a pegasus."

They made it back to their tent, discussing the game until they heard the screams. The group rushed out and saw the chaos.

"For the love of the gods can't we go anywhere without something happening!?" Luna grumbled.

"Let's go back to the Chateau." Arianna said, grabbing Luna and Asher and shadow traveling away.

Nicholas made a portkey and he, Annabeth, Perenelle, Jada, and Percy all vanished along with their tent.

That's today's chapter, I hope you have all enjoyed it.

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