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You didn't bother showing up to class the next day. Nor did you leave your room. Everything just... hurt. Why did you feel so betrayed by someone you've only known for not even a month? Maybe you felt something for him at some point, but the sentiment was long gone. All that remained was indescribable hatred.

You continued to isolate in your room until you heard a knock at your door. Maybe it was Sensei...? Or... Senpai. You didn't want to open up to see either of them, so you let the person knock it out.

"Y/n, are you in there?" A feminine voice called. Was that Nobara? If so, you guess you didn't mind opening the door. You finally got up to let the guest inside.

When you opened the door, Nobara scanned her eyes up and down your body. "You alright?" You clearly didn't look alright from your puffy eyes, your PJ's, and the disgraceful state of your room behind you.

"O-oh, yeah, I'm fine." You lied. "I just couldn't sleep, is all..." Now that part was true.

"I see," she muttered, trying to figure out off of your facial features if you were being honest. You didn't let her get the impression you were dishonest, but she still didn't believe you. "Why didn't you show up to class today then?"

"I'm just felling under the weather," you tried to explain. "I'll be back soon though. Maybe in the next few days... I'm not really sure."

Nobara pressed her lips together. "Have you seen Shoko about it?"

You shook your head.

Sighing, Nobara grabbed your wrist. "I'll take you then. Do you think I can survive being stuck in class with only Megumi and Yuji?!"

You nodded weakly, before letting Nobara drag you out of your room with little resistance. Part of you wanted to tell Nobara what happened, but even if you wanted to you couldn't. No one was allowed to know about Gojo-Senpai's existence. You also didn't want her to have any negative preconceptions about Gojo-Sensei.

It took a few minutes of aggressive pulling, but you were finally at Shoko's office. She didn't seem too surprised by your visit. "Y/n, I've been expecting you all day."

"S-sorry," you quickly bowed your head in an apology, but Shoko didn't seem to mind the wait.

"Nobara, did you check in on Y/n?"

She nodded.

"Thank you," Shoko's gratitude was short but sweet "but I'll take it from here. Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?"

Nobara hesitated. "Y-Yeah..."

Without a word more, Nobara scrambled out of the room to head back. This left you and Shoko alone, something you were still dreading.

"Did you tell her anything?" Shoko was first to speak, clearing her desk of scattered papers and throwing them in a drawer.

You shook your head as you explained "She thinks I'm not feeling well." Shoko nodded in approval.

"I see." Closing her eyes, she pulled out a chair for you to sit down. "And how are you feeling, Y/n?"

"I-," you couldn't help but choke on your words. "I'm still... it's still fresh on my mind."

Shoko sighed. "I expected as much." Plopping back down in her seat, she rolled up to her desk before sliding open another drawer. "Any aches, pain in your legs?"

"No no," you shook your head violently. "It wasn't like that..."

"Good." Shoko closed her eyes, closing the drawer leaving its contents untouched. "Seems like you won't need Plan B then."

TIMELESS | SATORU GOJO X READEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora