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"Satoru?" You called, but got no response.

The white haired boy was running through the woods while you were still firmly held in his grasp. You were still bound by the same rope you were tied in at the Zen'ins, so your circulation was almost as good as none with how tight everything felt in his grip. But no matter how much you tried to reason with him, Satoru wasn't in the right mind to listen to you.

"Where are we going?!" You yelled out again, hopelessly. His hold on you was tightening like a vice, and it was getting harder to breathe.


You struggled, and struggled, and struggled for a way out before you were finally able to make any semblance of a breakthrough. He finally snapped into some degree of spatial awareness, but, you found yourself falling out of his arms. So here you were, rolling over the sharpened rocks and twigs shredding your previously perfectly fine Kimono. The dozens of talismans which were tucked around your body were unrecognizable.

"Please untie me."

Between your previous injuries and the fall, you barely had enough strength to look up. But you did so anyway, the pain of it all clearly painting your face. And with that, his facade cracked ever so slightly.

"I can't take you back."

His lips wavered as he hesitantly reached for you. It wasn't hard to recognize that there were a million thoughts racing through his head, each conflicting with the very foundations of each other. But despite that, he was able to string a cohesive thought through his lips. "I thought it was safe, that you could be safe there. But I was wrong. I should've done this from the beginning."

"Done what?" You scooted back on the forest floor before he could grab you.

"Just trust me!" His frustrations bubbled up, looking more visibly annoyed the further you got away. He was too unstable to be making rash decisions, and you were deathly afraid of what rash decision he's trying to justify right now. "I need to keep you safe. Those Zen'in scum don't deserve to touch your skin, see your smile... Those are mine and mine alone."

"You're scaring me," Your voice barely left your lips in a whisper, scooting back some more. "Please, let's go home. We can talk to your father. I'm sure they'll be punished for this. Besides, Naoya didn't end up doing anything. I'm fine!"

But none of your words got through to him. No matter what you said, he was already lost in the infinite void of his emotions.


"What do you mean you let her get away?!?" Naobito grumbled about, a tower of Sake piled in front of him. He was seated back in his office, the pile of paperwork now coating his desk. With him was the bleach blonde heir, standing a measurable distance away.

"She's not my type." Naoya scoffed, swiftly shutting the door behind him. "Really, you tie a girl to put before my feet because you don't have any hope for your own son's ability to charm a woman? I'm insulted."

"I couldn't care less if you charmed her," Naobito responded by slamming his fist into his table, spilling the Sake everywhere. His mustache stuck to the sweat piled anger on his cheeks. "The Gojo Clan already has Limitless. If they capitalize on her, they'll be unrivaled. Is that what you want? Second place?"

Though Naoya didn't seem fazed by his fathers rage, nor the oozing piles of Sake being soaked up by all the loose papers. "If anything, we'd have an easier time dealing with them with her there. She may be strong, but she's the only known sedative for Satoru Gojo. Softening him up with talks of love... disgusting. She'll be responsible for his downfall."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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